8:25 am
April 14, 2021

KamWest said
They ripped me of once too, left 300k in an account for the full term, instead got 0.10%
This is why I made certain to close the account after my promo period ended. I thought it was just too great a risk. A CSR insisted that I was eligible for another promo and I almost re-opened a new account. Only the good folks on this forum saved me from a similar loss by showing me how I would have been ineligible, according to the written Terms and Conditions; regardless of what some CSR said.
12:47 pm
January 1, 2018

5:27 pm
April 1, 2022

I used the chat today on Simplii and was told to call their number. Then when I called I was told no, I wasn't targeted for the promo rate and that it's random. I was also told there was no way for them to manually override.
Just as an aside I have had good luck with the local DUCA credit union, no game playing and they are eager for new deposits and want to make it work. The difference between a local branch with real people and an online bank with virtual contact
12:08 pm
March 15, 2019

Got an email yesterday (maybe you too) and found it a little confusing. Are they trying to attract more RRSP money by offering 5%? Does the RRSP 5% also apply to non-RRSP accounts as well? (I called Simplii and was informed this has no effect on my current 5% promo non-registered funds,)
"The sooner you open and fund an RRSP, the more you’ll save. Make a deposit now and you’ll earn 5% interest on all eligible deposits (up to $500,000*) made between Dec 1, 2022 and Apr 30, 2023."
5:00 am
January 1, 2018

I was surprised to get not 1, but 2 recent "Notice of Offer Expiry" emails from Simplii warning me that my special promo rate will end April 30th. Included in the emails was the new rate: 0.40%. Wowzer !
Anyone else get this? I don't recall seeing such a notice during prior Simplii short term promos that I've participated in.
So 2 weeks to figure out where to move the funds? Any suggestions ?
Was thinking about setting up non-registered TD Waterhouse accounts for my wife and I [only have TFSA, RSP/RIF presently], then maybe park it in an ISA account for now? 4% approx. last time I looked. Thoughts ?
6:26 am
April 6, 2013

The notices are part of the new federal consumer protection framework. Details in previous post.
6:41 am
January 7, 2020

No, haven't recieved that "Notice of Offer Expiry" from Siimplii. Although have been receiving them lately from other fi's-- I thought maybe this was co-incident with the "Low Account Balance" notices that I get all the time now
We are actually on the Tangerine offer until May 31, so don't have to make a move until then.
At that point, it looks like the TD150 is the best option-- unless Simplii invites for a new offer. Which seems unikely
10:36 pm
April 15, 2023

I applied for the 5.25% promo savings rate way back in mid-Feb, and after following up by phone a few wks later when I'd not heard boo back from them, and then basically jumping thru hoops answering questions about my employment history and credit cards (really...? to get a savings account?), I've still not gotten any client card they said would be sent out shortly.
After reading some of the other posts here, all I can say is that they certainly know how to jerk people around, just like their parent company.
5:31 am
January 1, 2018

6:07 am
October 11, 2015

6:50 am
January 7, 2020

Update: We DID receive the Notice of Offer Expiry -- just this morning
(They must have a random date for sending these out-- as they seem to for sending the offer in the first place!)
And yes- thanks Jim-- I did mean TDB8150
As you note, currently paying 4.05%
(This is the TD ISA account)
Currently, would be next best place
Problem being, of course, that rate could change tomorrow
12:44 pm
September 11, 2013

3:02 pm
March 14, 2023

9:16 pm
March 21, 2017

Please write your comments in the forum.