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December 11, 2019
3:10 pm
Forum Posts: 37
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picassocat said

I have to move out west to get a working bank sf-wink  

I noticed that every time it fails first when I am trying to login into "Online Banking". Then I need to F5 and it always works. Try.

December 11, 2019
3:14 pm
Forum Posts: 273
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December 29, 2018
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Thanks –bsv-, but the old «hit the F5 key trick» doesn’t work for me.

Update : A simple popup blocker (web-boost) prevented me from accessing the login page. Never a problem with any other bank but this one. Gees.

December 11, 2019
7:42 pm
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picassocat said
Still down for me, can’t even get to the login page since this morning. I just called and the rep said it could take 24 to 48 hours. sf-yell  

Try Tangerine Bank....no such problems...sf-cool

Tangerine....Canada's best bank. LBC.............Canada's 2nd best bank.
Hubert.....worst bank in Canada.

December 11, 2019
7:52 pm
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And no such rates either.

Joe said

Try Tangerine Bank....no such problems...sf-cool  

Yeah, and no such rates either.

December 14, 2019
10:50 am
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butterflycharm said

In short sentences:
Hard hit: every one else who checks your credit history can see it.
Soft hit: only you can see the soft hits on your credit history.

From above you can deduct that if a financial institution sees a lot of hard hits from many different other parties they may not like extending you credit. There are probably other ways FIs chunk this too but basically it's seen vs not-seen for hard and soft.  

About a year ago, my wallet/mobile phone disappeared (stolen or lost), and I decided to protect myself with the paying services of TransUnion and Equifax: "TransUnion Credit Monitoring" and "Equifax Complete™ Premier Plan".

Fortunately, nothing wrong occurred following that event.

What surprises me now, is that my Equifax service does not show any information about my registration to B2B, nor LBC Digital. Nothing, not a trace. Same silence for TransUnion, but expected, since B2B and LBC Digital deals with Equifax.

I was really expecting to see something occurring on my Equifax dashboard. Is my expectation correct ? Anybody else has similar or a different experience ?

December 15, 2019
12:56 pm
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AlainJF said

About a year ago, my wallet/mobile phone disappeared (stolen or lost), and I decided to protect myself with the paying services of TransUnion and Equifax: "TransUnion Credit Monitoring" and "Equifax Complete™ Premier Plan".

Fortunately, nothing wrong occurred following that event.

What surprises me now, is that my Equifax service does not show any information about my registration to B2B, nor LBC Digital. Nothing, not a trace. Same silence for TransUnion, but expected, since B2B and LBC Digital deals with Equifax.

I was really expecting to see something occurring on my Equifax dashboard. Is my expectation correct ? Anybody else has similar or a different experience ?  

FWIW I had a soft pull by B2B and LCB on my Equifax, nothing on my TU.

Does your Equifax service show soft inquiries/updates? I ask because I have the TU online MyTrueIdentity service and it doesn't bother reporting those to me

December 15, 2019
6:46 pm
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Londonguy said

FWIW I had a soft pull by B2B and LCB on my Equifax, nothing on my TU.

Does your Equifax service show soft inquiries/updates? ...  

Thanks for your reply Londonguy.

I do not know, but I will call them tomorrow, as I understand from your reply that my expectation to know who is using my identity (soft or hard) is valid when paying a monthly fee to Equifax for a complete an previer service. (ref: "Equifax Complete™ Premier Plan".)

December 15, 2019
7:15 pm
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AlainJF said

Thanks for your reply Londonguy.

I do not know, but I will call them tomorrow, as I understand from your reply that my expectation to know who is using my identity (soft or hard) is valid when paying a monthly fee to Equifax for a complete an previer service. (ref: "Equifax Complete™ Premier Plan".)  

Since there's no way you could have avoided completing the Equifax verification step when opening up your B2B and LCB accounts, your file has definitely seen inquiries. I would be interested to hear what they tell you as to why those hits somehow don't qualify for an alert

December 16, 2019
3:46 am
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Londonguy said

Since there's no way you could have avoided completing the Equifax verification step when opening up your B2B and LCB accounts, your file has definitely seen inquiries. I would be interested to hear what they tell you as to why those hits somehow don't qualify for an alert  

While I try to get an answer from Equifax, if anyone else here is using the Equifax service "Equifax Complete™ Premier Plan", and saw, or did not see the B2B and/or LBC iquiries ("soft hits" ?) showing-up somewhere on the available dashboards, please share.

December 17, 2019
5:20 am
Forum Posts: 82
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October 5, 2016
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AlainJF said

While I try to get an answer from Equifax, if anyone else here is using the Equifax service "Equifax Complete™ Premier Plan", and saw, or did not see the B2B and/or LBC iquiries ("soft hits" ?) showing-up somewhere on the available dashboards, please share.  

From my "Equifax Complete Premier Plan"

I was having issues and had to try 4 times before it worked (I was not even able to reach the questions stage at the beginning). 4 inquiries in my file:B2BBank.JPG

December 17, 2019
1:57 pm
Forum Posts: 185
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fbeaulie said

From my "Equifax Complete Premier Plan"

I was having issues and had to try 4 times before it worked (I was not even able to reach the questions stage at the beginning). 4 inquiries in my file:B2BBank.JPG  

Thanks fbeaulie ! I found it !

For those who could be also looking for it on the Equifax dashboard, it is in the 2nd section of a sub-menu reacheable by following this path:

Dashboard > View Report Details > Credit Inquiries to the File:

1st section: The following inquiries were generated because the listed company requested a copy of your credit report. An Inquiry made by a Creditor will automatically purge three (3) years from the date of the inquiry. The system will keep a minimum of five (5) inquiries.
Date Event
Date Event
…. ….

2nd section: The following "soft" inquiries were also generated. These soft inquiries do not appear when lenders look at your file; they are only displayed to you. All Equifax Personal Sol inquiries are logged internally, however only the most current is retained for each month.”
Date Event
Date Event
…. ….

December 17, 2019
10:59 pm
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Both LBC and B2B log in sites have been down since morning and still down. It is very frustrating. sf-yell

December 18, 2019
6:22 am
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Still cannot login B2B 🙁

December 18, 2019
6:24 am
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Still cannot login B2B, its 9.20 am EST

December 18, 2019
9:33 am
John H
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mw said
Still cannot login B2B, its 9.20 am EST  

Just saw this message - a few hours late, but no problem logging in

December 18, 2019
9:42 am
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mw said
Still cannot login B2B, its 9.20 am EST  

I was not able to log in yesterday when I was reading these messages, but today is fine.

January 1, 2020
3:23 pm
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Lately I have been testing their platform for day-to-day banking and everything seems to be working fine; so far. I have bills to pay this week, but e-transfers in or out and from an account to another is working properly. It’s fun to pay your bills directly from the savings account and not go thru the checking account like tangerine.

Update : So I did pay my first bill (hydro) with this bank and yes it’s a great feature to being able to pay with the quick transfer option directly from the HISA account, but my balance wasn’t immediately updated (I paid the bill past midnight). This morning it was updated. However, it should be immediate; same thing goes with the transaction history, which isn’t updated quickly enough. I did signal this difficulty and they should repair it within 2 months.
(waiting time on the phone was about less than 10 minutes, which was reasonable.)

January 4, 2020
6:28 am
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B2B login page is down since yesterday. I am getting below error message.


January 4, 2020
6:32 am
John H
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I saw this message so I tried to login - no problem!

January 4, 2020
12:46 pm
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Ditto here: remember, some extensions will not allow you to login.

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