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April 9, 2020
12:19 pm
Forum Posts: 17
Member Since:
September 8, 2018
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After months giving Laurentian's B2B and LBC services a trial (tempted by their initial promo rates), I have to pull the plug. Service levels are far too low. The website is broken more often than not. This isn't just an inconvenience but occasionally makes it impossible to transfer funds when needed.

I can't risk having my deposits held hostage like this, sometimes waiting for days until CS reps are back in the office to respond to calls. Most contact with CS staff has not been particularly responsive - far less helpful than my experience with other financial institutions.

I want a reliable online service that works when I need it - including evenings and weekends - and not a 1980s-style phone-for-service only to get a bureaucratic/unhelpful response. The small interest bonus (which has now dropped) simply doesn't compensate for the hassle, risk and wasted time.

Not recommended.

April 9, 2020
2:27 pm
Forum Posts: 29
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May 18, 2016
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I opened account with B2B early this year with about 7k deposit to try out. At end of March, I made a duplicate inbound transfer from my Tangerine account by mistake because I mistaken a new transfer as confirmation of the initial one. So I was charged by Tangerine for NSF fee and by B2B for Return Item fee. I called Tangerine and got the 45$ NSF fee waived without even my asking. I called B2B and the rep told me he had to forward a request to a supervisor waive the 5$ fee(Can you believe that! I knew it's an excuse.). Several days later, I logged in my B2B account and did not see the refund. So I am done with B2B and transfered all my money to Tangerine just to miss the 2.8% GIC as B2B outbound transfer took 3 days while the same day by other Alterna. I have accounts with Motive,Alterna,Peoples Trust,EQ and Tangerine without bad experience except B2B and Oaken.

April 11, 2020
2:22 pm
Forum Posts: 273
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December 29, 2018
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B2b and LBC digital are supposed to be «full services banks» but they are not. The full service only works when they feel like working, over the phone help has limited hours of operation and their answers are bureaucratic, robotic and pre-recorded. They also update their system at peak hours, go figure. They are useful banks for parking money, like putting money in a piggy. For a reliable full service bank, we need to wait, and wait, and wait, but eventually, we hope, they will get it right.

May 16, 2020
5:45 am
Forum Posts: 14
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September 1, 2014
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Does anyone know how to get a referral code for B2B Bank? I checked with my financial advisor as well as some friends who are financial advisors, but none of them have a referral code. Thanks!

Edit: Aware of LBC already.

May 16, 2020
5:52 am
Forum Posts: 719
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March 17, 2018
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gocanada said
Does anyone know how to get a referral code for B2B Bank? I checked with my financial advisor as well as some friends who are financial advisors, but none of them have a referral code. Thanks!  

Just sign up with LBC Digital Bank, it's exactly the same, just a twin sister of B2B .


May 16, 2020
5:58 am
Forum Posts: 14
Member Since:
September 1, 2014
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Thanks for your response. I'm aware of LBC but looking for extra CDIC coverage.

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