6:31 am
January 3, 2009

savemoresaveoften said
At least they keep ETF free for Hubert accounts, which i am utiliziing to move interest etc out of Access. Original Access account have to $1 per transaction.
EFTs provide no value for what I need to do, but that's great for people who use them.
IMO, at the very least they should enable the CSRs to offer full service as they did before. I rarely used them before and prefer to DIY everything I can, but taking away most online functionality and even information on accounts and then creating a service process where you have to call, wait for someone to action your call in days... it's just inexcusable and no quarter measure like free EFTs can make up for that imo.
Also, ok, they didn't do things properly, people make mistakes. You learn from them and move forward, but over 5 months later and the best they have is that they are following the vendors roadmap?
8:56 am
March 30, 2017

phrank said
EFTs provide no value for what I need to do, but that's great for people who use them.
IMO, at the very least they should enable the CSRs to offer full service as they did before. I rarely used them before and prefer to DIY everything I can, but taking away most online functionality and even information on accounts and then creating a service process where you have to call, wait for someone to action your call in days... it's just inexcusable and no quarter measure like free EFTs can make up for that imo.
Also, ok, they didn't do things properly, people make mistakes. You learn from them and move forward, but over 5 months later and the best they have is that they are following the vendors roadmap?
I hear u, but just saying at least one can move the GIC interest without having to call them. When the GIC matures next year, I will be done with them, whether they enable linked transfer again or not.
9:35 am
January 3, 2009

8:12 am
May 21, 2018

I finally closed my Hubert accounts after getting the last interest payment and I rang up to close my account and got the $5 membership back.
The switchover to the new web site, removal of online transfer via EFT (not e-transfer), removal of scheduled transactions and web site not working on and off were the things that made me do this.
I will say the Hubert customer reps are very good.
9:49 am
January 12, 2019

9:56 am
January 12, 2019

Loonie said
I appreciate what Greg is saying, but who was the bright light who decided to move ahead with the Hubert "integration" in the absence of appropriate systems being in place?
I would put this squarely on the shoulders of the CEO of Access. At the meeting that I watched when the merger was being promoted, he was, in my opinion, unduly enthusiastic. There was no compelling case made for the merger at all, by either side, and now we have a mess, apparently with no end in sight.Greg tells us the problem is with a vendor. This is the second version I have heard as to what the problem is. A CSR told me it was a regulatory problem. They need to get their story straight and COMMUNICATE with members clearly and proactively.
I still do business with Hubert, but am very annoyed that no one has taken responsibility for this fiasco or publicly acknowledged it or apologized for it.
Greg may read this blog but apparently the CEO doesn't, or doesn't care. I think it's time for him to go.
- Ditto to 'All' of this ⬆ ❗
Does anyone know when the next Access CU BOD election is ?
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
10:20 am
October 13, 2023

11:00 am
November 6, 2018

11:06 am
February 7, 2019

12:49 pm
January 10, 2017

Dean said
Lots of 'Unhappy Campers' at Hubert now.As my GICs there mature, my $$$ is going Elsewhere. I'm sure it's the same for many others, as well.
Access CU has shot itself in the foot.
...I would say shot themselves as high up as one can go ..
And if we want to send them a clear message, as they apparently read this forum, we should simply stop posting about this institution. This is my last post about them.
2:07 pm
February 7, 2019

cgouimet said
Our Common Shares were transferred to Member Shares but I don't see Member Share accounts
I asked what was going on and got this ... "Thank you for contacting Access Credit Union! Unfortunately we are unable to assist Hubert Members at this time. I have forwarded your message to the Hubert Financial team, and requested someone get in contact with you regarding your request. To directly get in contact with Hubert you can either email hubert@happysavings.ca or call 1-855-448-2378.
11:40 am
December 11, 2023

2:55 pm
December 20, 2016

Lodown said
...... we should simply stop posting about this institution. .....
Disagree, because the spirit of our Forum is to share information, both positive and negative, about the various FI's available to us. Not posting about Hubert's abysmal marketing and administrative failures would be a disservice to new and existing members who need to know what the pitfalls of Hubert or any other FI might be.
I too have removed all my deposits from Hubert, and have little interest in dealing with them in their current turmoil, but I do follow this thread to learn "what more Hubert aka Access CU management can do to alienate themselves from an affluent and once loyal client base"
3:39 pm
January 12, 2019

4:06 pm
February 7, 2019

4:14 pm
October 13, 2023

Got an email notice on Monday Feb 19th about a March 19th RRSP GIC maturing. Sent Hubert a reply email asking if instructions can be sent by email. Hubert replied yes. Emailed new instructions. Hubert responded today...
"Thank you very much for your reinvestment instructions.
They have been entered into our processing system for March 19/24 for the new RRSP term for 60 months."
signed by a regular VSR I've spoken to many many times.
6:21 pm
January 12, 2019

Dean said
. . . X 2 ⬆ ❗
And like many others ... I too will soon be 'Gone', after my last Hubert GICs mature later this year.
I will of course, change my plans if they clean up their act before then. But sadly, I don't expect they will.
cgouimet said
So, where have you moved to?
I haven't moved my Hubert $$$ anywhere yet, Cgouimet. Like I said above ⬆, I'm waiting for the last of my Hubert GICs to mature later this year.
If & when I do end up leaving Hubert (looks like a Given, right now), I have a number of accounts my Hubert $$$ can go to ... Oaken / EQ / Tangerine / TD / Motive / TDDI / etc.
My last Hubert GIC doesn't mature for another 6 months, so I have Lots of time to decide which parts of my Hubert $$$ goes where.
- Dean
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
11:31 am
November 22, 2023

It has been about a month since the last posting.
Access CU have all of Sunova/Hubert assets and the majority of their customers.
Since integration, now that things have quieted down for them,
they probably have no intention of improving the Hubert website,
back to what we had or anything close to it.
Cyber attacks and data breaches on banks and other FI's
has become a regular occurrence.
The fact they made the decision to leave Hubert customers with a stripped down,
not user friendly website with no 2 step or 2 factor authentication is unacceptable. It is essential for any FI to have it and most do.
I can only assume, that many Hubert customers have given up in disgust,
knowing Access CU have not intention of making any improvements or
providing us with honest, accurate information as to what improvements,
if any, are in their "things to do" file.
A timeline as to any upcoming improvements would be nice.
11:43 am
February 7, 2019

7:31 pm
March 14, 2024

monitor said
The fact they made the decision to leave Hubert customers with a stripped down,not user friendly website with no 2 step or 2 factor authentication is unacceptable. It is essential for any FI to have it and most do.
Is there not a federal requirement for 2fa and alerts?
I can only assume, that many Hubert customers have given up in disgust, knowing Access CU have not intention of making any improvements or providing us with honest, accurate information as to what improvements, if any, are in their "things to do" file.
A timeline as to any upcoming improvements would be nice.Agree. I will be leaving February 2028, no matter what happens. Likely status quo with a downward slide.
Please write your comments in the forum.