Integration weekend: Sep 22-24, we've been warned! | Page 40 | Hubert Financial | Discussion forum

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Integration weekend: Sep 22-24, we've been warned!
April 10, 2024
1:44 pm
Forum Posts: 1505
Member Since:
February 7, 2019
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It's taken a while but this is the response I just received on my question re the disappearing shares ...

"I am reaching out regarding a message we received from our parent company Access Credit Union about your member share and why it was not viewable through online banking. As per the Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Act in Manitoba, each member, regardless of age, must have at least one (1) membership share for a minimum of $5.00. Access Credit Union follows the person-centric membership model in which each account owner holds their own personal share.

Every member is an owner of one share, every member share will be equal, and every member shareowner will have a right to vote.

Every member who has an ownership role on a non-closed chequing/savings/loan/mortgage/term deposit/registered account in our banking system requires one (1) $5.00 member share.
Member Shares are Single-owned meaning they cannot have more than one (1) ownership role assigned to the Share account.
The new shares will not display in online banking or on statements, as they follow Access' share product setup which is excluded from statements and online banking. If members request a statement/print-out confirming their share has been funded, we can provide this at no charge."

June 10, 2024
6:15 am
Forum Posts: 11
Member Since:
December 11, 2023
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782sp_Permalink sp_Print

Another integration weekend come and gone and Hubert is still down as of Monday June 10 09:10..why am I not surprised...

June 10, 2024
6:29 am
Forum Posts: 650
Member Since:
August 4, 2010
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They actually have a banner on the website saying the database integration is complete, but going to the login page shows a "Sorry! Down for maintenance" message. It may just be the frontend web problem and the CSRs may or may not have access? Their IT certainly doesn't have a great track record on these amalgamations.

June 10, 2024
7:21 am
Forum Posts: 43
Member Since:
January 25, 2024
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10:18 2024.06.10 - NO problem logging in and going through accounts, etc.

June 12, 2024
8:37 pm
Forum Posts: 129
Member Since:
September 28, 2023
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All seems unchanged on my end as well... no news is good news with Access these days.

Are all the acquired CU's now integrated into Access, or will there be more of these integrations to come?

Please write your comments in the forum.