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No More Sunday Support
May 30, 2023
5:39 am
Forum Posts: 719
Member Since:
March 17, 2018
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

RetirEd said
Briguy: Does Wealthsimple even have telephone service? The recent CBC profile on them seemed to be saying not.


I haven't had to actually use Wealthsimple customer service but they appear to have chat support on the app from 8 am- 8 pm Mon-Fri and on Holidays from 9-5.
If you are a Premium or Generation client, it's recommended to use the app to get the priority support.

Phone support is at 1-855-255-9038
Monday-Friday: 8am - 8pm (ET)
Saturday & Sunday: 9am - 5pm (ET)

It's kind of strange that the priority support isn't available for the 100,000 dollars plus clients on the weekends, but I would imagine that response time would be quick since markets are closed.

May 30, 2023
7:05 am
Forum Posts: 144
Member Since:
May 11, 2023
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

We don't even list Peoples Bank and Peoples Trust in the comparison chart.

Are you meaning to say they aren't listed SEPARATELY? They certainly are listed, but they are the same institution under two names just for CDIC coverage. Or am I looking at the wrong "comparison chart"?

They are both listed although Peoples Bank is listed as an * and refers to same rates as Peoples Trust. Last time I checked and asked, Peoples Bank only has non registered products.

December 11, 2023
9:59 am
Forum Posts: 11
Member Since:
December 11, 2023
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Maybe I missed it, but, there has been very little info on change of services, and I hope its only temporary..aside from the hours / schedule, I have discovered...

#1 no self serve for starting a new GIC
#2 no more self serve transfer in / out to external financial institution
#3 external transfers in/out via Interac Email are limited, and have limits that are not documented on website
#4 the bill payment function seems the allow setting up a transaction, but I'm told by a Hubert agent that this function is blocked for Hubert accounts ( not documented )
#5 Hubert is falling behind in interest rates...

I used to be a happy camper, but since the merger, less so. Wondering what changes are being made to bring the shine back ?


December 11, 2023
10:26 am
Valhalla Mountains, British Columbia
Forum Posts: 1996
Member Since:
January 12, 2019
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Welcome to 'The Club', Gordo ⬆ sf-smile

Over the next year, Access will most likely put much of Humpty Dumpty (Hubert) back together again. But I don't think any of us here expect Hubert to Ever be restored to it's Original Shine.

The Good Ol' Hubert that we liked so much, is most likely gone forever.

*&^%$# Happens sf-confused


sf-cool " Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! " sf-cool

December 11, 2023
12:47 pm
Forum Posts: 22
Member Since:
November 22, 2023
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Gordo and Dean,

Please note, the discussion form used for this information is located in
"Integration weekend: Sep 22-24, we've been warned!"
You will find numerous comments there, that may be of interest to you.


December 13, 2023
8:59 am
Forum Posts: 168
Member Since:
October 30, 2023
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

As long a registered funds, transfer outs remain free, I’m happy.

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