Targeted offer: 2% on new deposit Oct 7, 2020 to Feb 28, 2021 | Tangerine Bank | Discussion forum

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Targeted offer: 2% on new deposit Oct 7, 2020 to Feb 28, 2021
October 7, 2020
7:27 am
Forum Posts: 1209
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September 30, 2017
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This promo deserve a new thread as well.

Nav66 said
special offer: Earn 2.00% interest until February 28, 2021 on up to $1,000,000† in new deposits to your Tangerine Savings Account(s), RSP Savings Account(s), Tax-Free Savings Account(s), and US$ Savings Account(s) made between October 7, 2020 and February 28, 2021.

If offered, has to “Activate” by October 31, 2020

October 7, 2020
8:41 am
Forum Posts: 1192
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November 8, 2018
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Called Tangerine, was told that I won't get the offer unless it is sent to me.

October 7, 2020
9:38 am
Forum Posts: 1218
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October 29, 2017
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I'm wondering if Tang is gearing down and may possibly close operations. The volume and quality of interactions and products has gone down the toilet. It feels like they are not interested in operating anymore.

October 7, 2020
9:40 am
British Columbia
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September 24, 2019
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No offer for me either. All I can get is 1.6% between now and 6 March 2021

October 7, 2020
10:33 am
Valhalla Mountains, British Columbia
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January 12, 2019
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hwyc said
This promo deserve a new thread as well.

Nav66 said
special offer: Earn 2.00% interest until February 28, 2021 on up to $1,000,000† in new deposits to your Tangerine Savings Account(s), RSP Savings Account(s), Tax-Free Savings Account(s), and US$ Savings Account(s) made between October 7, 2020 and February 28, 2021.

If offered, has to “Activate” by October 31, 2020  

No such offer given to me, either.

Since the last special rate they gave me (2.6%) expired on Aug. 30th, I moved all my $$$ elsewhere ... with a present Tangerine interest rate of only 0.15%, who wouldn't ❗

I guess they don't like my money anymore ... LOL sf-laugh

'Carpe Diem'


sf-cool " Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! " sf-cool

October 7, 2020
11:35 am
Forum Posts: 452
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September 6, 2020
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Dean said

No such offer given to me, either.

Since the last special rate they gave me (2.6%) expired on Aug. 30th, I moved all my $$$ elsewhere ... with a present Tangerine interest rate of only 0.15%, who wouldn't ❗

I guess they don't like my money anymore ... LOL sf-laugh

'Carpe Diem'



Find a FI that you are happy with. Stick with them.

FI offer teasing rates to get new customers.

Have a Great Day

October 7, 2020
11:57 am
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topgun, not everybody wants to exceed CDIC limits at one FI thus some folks have various accounts at various places. It's actually very easy to move money around these days.

Pretty sure Tangerine wouldn't be having this promo, with best rates around, if they're getting ready to shut down.

October 7, 2020
1:01 pm
Victoria, BC
Forum Posts: 478
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May 28, 2013
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No offer for me either, despite several decades of being their customer (back to ING days). The last offer they gave me was nearly a year ago in Nov. 2019. So, I just keep a minimum in my Tang accounts for now.

I do not mind having several FIs, in order to move money to whichever pays the most at that time. Sticking with just one FI is not a winning strategy. And I will not exceed $100K in any one FI with CDIC coverage.

October 7, 2020
1:25 pm
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Bill said
topgun, not everybody wants to exceed CDIC limits at one FI thus some folks have various accounts at various places. It's actually very easy to move money around these days.

Pretty sure Tangerine wouldn't be having this promo, with best rates around, if they're getting ready to shut down.  

I have being with Tangerine since it was ING. I use it for cashflow. Cannot recall ever getting close to CDIC limits. Money comes. Money goes. One friend said "It seems to go faster than it comes".

Have a Great Day

October 7, 2020
1:26 pm
Forum Posts: 1218
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October 29, 2017
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Bill said
Pretty sure Tangerine wouldn't be having this promo, with best rates around, if they're getting ready to shut down.  

I totally agree, it just feels, eerily, like Zag and the lowball GICs and lack of traffic in messages and email.

October 7, 2020
2:07 pm
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May 15, 2007
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I received this offer after not getting it on the last round. Thanks for posting about it!

October 7, 2020
2:15 pm
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April 1, 2015
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Just checked. I got it. Wife didn’t. Thanks for the heads up, guys!

October 7, 2020
3:06 pm
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October 5, 2016
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Ed said
Just checked. I got it. Wife didn’t. Thanks for the heads up, guys!  

Same here.

October 7, 2020
3:27 pm
Forum Posts: 237
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April 15, 2015
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Ed said
Just checked. I got it. Wife didn’t. Thanks for the heads up, guys!  

Same here.

October 7, 2020
3:45 pm
Forum Posts: 110
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July 28, 2016
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My wife just got the offer. 2% is not bad at this point.

October 7, 2020
4:08 pm
Forum Posts: 82
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October 5, 2016
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Bill said
topgun, not everybody wants to exceed CDIC limits at one FI thus some folks have various accounts at various places. It's actually very easy to move money around these days. 

Question - CIDC Limits:

I currently have Savings Account and Joint Savings Account (Joint Account: I'm the Primary Account Holder and wife is the Joint Account Holder): Separate CIDC coverage for these two accounts.

If my wife would have also gotten the offer and we also had another joint account - wife as Primary Account Holder and myself as Joint Account Holder - would we get separate CIDC coverage for these two joint accounts?

October 7, 2020
4:25 pm
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fbeaulie said

… If my wife would have also gotten the offer and we also had another joint account - wife as Primary Account Holder and myself as Joint Account Holder - would we get separate CIDC coverage for these two joint accounts?

No, because both joint accounts have the same set of owners. See this previous post.

October 7, 2020
4:27 pm
Forum Posts: 55
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September 18, 2020
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Where can I get this promotion.. Do I need to call?

October 7, 2020
5:05 pm
Forum Posts: 82
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October 5, 2016
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Norman1 said

No, because both joint accounts have the same set of owners. See this previous post.  


I will still open a Joint Account with my wife as Primary because we did exceed CIDC coverage when she (but not me) had the 2.8% offer until end of August.

Can I open a Joint Account with this lady as well (even if she doesn't have a SIN)?IMG_20201007_201859258.jpg

October 7, 2020
5:15 pm
Forum Posts: 845
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January 3, 2013
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Both my wife and I got this offer! Weird. First time ever. Haha

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