Tangerine would not honor the rate agreement that was made with a Tangerine Service Rep today | Page 2 | Tangerine Bank | Discussion forum

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Tangerine would not honor the rate agreement that was made with a Tangerine Service Rep today
August 2, 2020
5:22 am
Forum Posts: 3972
Member Since:
September 11, 2013
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Every time a promo rate ends I just call & easily get another satisfactory offer. Spouse too. For some years now. If their offers were randomly given then that would not be the case, we would sometimes be turned down. Perhaps they flag those clients whose business they prefer to retain, customer lifetime value or for whatever reasons, and that flag guides the phone agent's approach during the phone call. Just seems odd to me how some folks are not happy with the way Tangerine treats them while my experience is consistently different - ? Of course, the rates I'm offered are not usually the absolute top rates out there, and I don't ask as to why can't I have more, or the same as somebody else I heard about, or the same as some other bank is offering, etc, maybe they like the fact I'm as low-maintenance a customer as there is out there these days, I don't know.

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