Tangerine 3% HISA targeted offer 5 July - 30 November | Tangerine Bank | Discussion forum

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Tangerine 3% HISA targeted offer 5 July - 30 November
June 16, 2022
12:39 pm
Forum Posts: 285
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April 21, 2022
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Not in my email inbox yet, but here's the details:

"Very soon, you’re going to be able to earn a 3.00% special interest rate on all of your eligible non-registered Savings balances of up to $5,000,000 combined*! "
"* The 3.00% Interest Rate Offer (the “Offer”) is only available to existing Tangerine Clients who have received this communication directly from Tangerine and who activate the Offer online by July 31, 2022. The 3.00% promotional interest rate (the “Promotional Interest Rate”) is valid from July 5, 2022 to November 30, 2022 (the “Promotion Period”) and is only available for eligible non-registered Tangerine Savings Account(s) (“Applicable Accounts”) to a maximum balance of $5,000,000 in all Applicable Accounts combined (“Eligible Balances”) during the Promotion Period."

It's a lottery after all, so YMMV.

June 16, 2022
9:18 pm
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June 16, 2022
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Do you know if this would cover USD saving account as well?

June 16, 2022
10:28 pm
Forum Posts: 60
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December 16, 2020
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3% on regular savings account seems ok today, but I'm guessing it will pale shortly after US Fed just raised .75 and Tang starts sending out follow up offers.

They never cease to amaze at how many different offers they float out around the same time to varying account holders. Tang is the Kabuki theatre for savings rate hunters.

June 17, 2022
2:27 am
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April 2, 2015
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Was that in your insight? Nothing for me in insights or email.

June 17, 2022
5:40 am
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implode said
Was that in your insight? Nothing for me in insights or email.  

Nothing here in email or Insights ...

June 17, 2022
8:49 am
Forum Posts: 87
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June 8, 2016
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Received my notice by email...nothing in Insights...
I have a 2% offer ending June 30...

June 17, 2022
6:59 pm
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bpwest said
Received my notice by email...nothing in Insights...
I have a 2% offer ending June 30...  

Nothing for me. I'm still on the 2.80% promo until August 31, 2022.

June 17, 2022
11:51 pm
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Though Tangerine often runs multiple overlapping promos, I have never seen anyone receive a promo offer while they have another active one.

June 18, 2022
12:13 am
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April 14, 2021
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smayer97 said
Though Tangerine often runs multiple overlapping promos, I have never seen anyone receive a promo offer while they have another active one.  

I have gotten Tang to cancel/substitute an existing promo on my account when another household member got a better offer to replace it.

June 18, 2022
12:29 am
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In March, someone reported being offered 2.8%, starting April 1, while still on a 1.6% offer.

June 18, 2022
4:08 am
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smayer97 said
Though Tangerine often runs multiple overlapping promos, I have never seen anyone receive a promo offer while they have another active one.  

They have done offers that extend an existing offer. It’s rare for them to extend an offer with a much higher rate and covers existing funds at the same time,

June 18, 2022
5:07 am
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November 8, 2018
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I had an offer to extend an existing promo.
I had notification of a new promo, that starts after current promo ends. I've got that notification before the end of a current promo.

What I never had is an offer for an overlapping promo that starts before my current promo ends.

June 20, 2022
8:04 am
Forum Posts: 208
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October 11, 2015
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Nothing offered to me. I'm still at 2.25. I keep calling them. I'm debating taking $250K over to Meridien for their 3% promo--but don't want to get "punished" in the future by Tanga, because Tanga seems to consistently offer the best rates. Any thoughts?

June 20, 2022
8:33 am
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November 8, 2018
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dentgal said
Nothing offered to me. I'm still at 2.25. I keep calling them. I'm debating taking $250K over to Meridien for their 3% promo--but don't want to get "punished" in the future by Tanga, because Tanga seems to consistently offer the best rates. Any thoughts?  

I am at 2.2%.
My policy is to move money from Tangerine just before promo ends, and to move money when different FI offers better rate.
I have been doing this for many years, and I am still getting Tangerine promo offers regularly.

I opened Savings account with Meridian and moved money there. My current Tangerine promo ends November 30, won't be getting anything better from them before December.
Taking $250,000 as an example, the difference between keeping money at Tang with 2.2% vs. moving to Meridian at 3% is about $160/mo.

June 27, 2022
5:00 pm
Forum Posts: 32
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November 23, 2017
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Anyone been able to confirm if this 3% offer includes US funds?

July 6, 2022
2:06 pm
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March 22, 2021
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From Tang:

The Offer is only applicable to Tangerine Savings Accounts (“Savings”), Tangerine Tax-Free Savings Accounts (“TFSA Savings”), Tangerine RSP Savings Accounts (“RSP Savings”), and Tangerine US$ Savings Accounts (“US$ Savings) (referred to collectively as “Applicable Accounts”)

July 6, 2022
2:22 pm
Forum Posts: 140
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October 5, 2017
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seh said
Anyone been able to confirm if this 3% offer includes US funds?  

From the Tangerine offer:

Tangerine Non-Registered Savings Accounts Full Terms and Conditions (the “Non-Registered Account Offer Terms and Conditions”)
The Tangerine Bank (the “Bank”) Special Savings Rate Offer for Non-Registered Savings Accounts (the “Offer”) is available to existing Tangerine Clients who: (1) receive a communication about the Offer directly from the Bank, (2) “Activate” the Offer (as defined in Section 4 below) by July 31, 2022 and (3) receive a Confirmation in their online Inbox that the Offer has been successfully activated (“Eligible Clients”).

The Offer is only available to Eligible Clients on combined daily closing balances in their eligible Tangerine Savings Account(s), as defined below (“Applicable Accounts”) to a maximum daily closing balance of $5,000,000 in all Applicable Accounts combined (“Eligible Balances”) from July 5, 2022 to November 30, 2022 (the “Promotion Period”).

For the purposes of this Offer, “Applicable Accounts” only include Tangerine Savings Accounts and don’t include any other Tangerine Accounts such as (but not limited to) Tax-Free Savings Accounts (“TFSA Savings”), RSP Savings Accounts (“RSP Savings”), RIF Savings Accounts, US$ Savings Accounts, Business Savings Accounts, US$ Business Savings Accounts, or Children’s Savings Accounts.

July 6, 2022
3:11 pm
Forum Posts: 1209
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September 30, 2017
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Guys, I'm confused. Post #16 said TFSA included. Post #17 said it's not. Are they both true to the offer under the thread title?

July 6, 2022
3:24 pm
Forum Posts: 285
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April 21, 2022
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hwyc said
Guys, I'm confused. Post #16 said TFSA included. Post #17 said it's not. Are they both true to the offer under the thread title?  

Not all Tangerine clients get the same exact offer in respect to which type of accounts are included in the offer.

July 6, 2022
3:39 pm
Forum Posts: 1505
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February 7, 2019
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Everything about a Tangerine offer is irrelevant unless you get the offer.

If you get a Tangerine offer, read it cause it may be different than the offer Harry or Mary or Jane got ...

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