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Saven HISA rate changed
August 10, 2021
6:21 am
Forum Posts: 1209
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September 30, 2017
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1.35% observed today on their website (was 1.55%) ... still the leader, why not

August 10, 2021
9:47 am
Forum Posts: 1209
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September 30, 2017
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Is it just me ? I am seeing 1.55% again at their site again now !!!
( ... may be time for new glasses )

August 10, 2021
10:06 am
Forum Posts: 957
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September 7, 2018
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hwyc said
Is it just me ? I am seeing 1.55% again at their site again now !!!
( ... may be time for new glasses )  

Your glasses are fine. You ARE seeing 1.55%. Perhaps the money was flowing out so quickly today, they decided to postpone the drop to 1.35% for another time.

August 10, 2021
6:04 pm
Forum Posts: 322
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December 20, 2019
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OMG I was just going through the hassle to put money in there, from the signs of it I made a good choice pausing for a week.

August 10, 2021
6:07 pm
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Other thing is someone accidentally pulled the trigger too soon and it went live by accident.

Nonetheless it tells you it's coming soon.

August 11, 2021
8:22 am
Forum Posts: 1418
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May 15, 2007
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Yesterday, I asked Saven Financial on Twitter about the rate change, but they have not replied yet:

August 16, 2021
7:20 am
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Their website is showing the 1.35% rate again now. I would guess this time the change is for real.

August 16, 2021
7:22 am
Forum Posts: 322
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December 20, 2019
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Yup I see it too, good thing I delayed before moving in

.1% difference from Motive is not enough to motivate me to move

August 16, 2021
7:34 am
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KamWest said
.1% difference from Motive is not enough to motivate me to move  

For me, even when they paid 1.55%, their unacceptable policies turned me off.

No joint accounts, lengthy delays for incoming and outgoing transfers, peculiar linking to external account.

For the sake of marginal differences in interest rates these days, I prefer to deal with FI's that make processing of transactions as easy as possible.


August 16, 2021
8:32 am
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January 15, 2019
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Horrible company. If you try to open an account online and if it doesn't go through, you cannot open an account. Then are very rude and indifferent when you call in!

August 19, 2021
7:18 am
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March 30, 2017
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mhs0607 said
Horrible company. If you try to open an account online and if it doesn't go through, you cannot open an account. Then are very rude and indifferent when you call in!  

good to know. I tried to open online and got rejected and need to call in.
I will save my time and effort. No point trying to chase an extra 0.25% and prob they lower it anyway

December 2, 2021
9:28 am
Forum Posts: 1209
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September 30, 2017
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HISA now 1.50% … new leader for Ontarians sf-smile

December 2, 2021
9:32 am
Forum Posts: 322
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December 20, 2019
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Been trying to link my Canadian Tire account both with the old address and the new address for 2 months. I try every 3 days or so and have never been successful.

Has anyone had success linking their Canadian Tire Account?

January 26, 2022
9:26 pm
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September 10, 2019
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mhs0607 said
Horrible company. If you try to open an account online and if it doesn't go through, you cannot open an account. Then are very rude and indifferent when you call in!  

Same experience for me. Actually spoke to them twice and was told if the online system doesn't accept the application I am SOL. C'est la vie - lots of alternatives out there.

January 30, 2022
8:49 am
British Columbia, Canada
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hwyc said
1.35% observed today on their website (was 1.55%) ... still the leader, why not   

Except it's not. To be the true leader of the HISA chart, it must be when sorted for residents of all provinces and territories. Otherwise, it's just a niche, two-bit single province credit union accessible only to residents of one province. Nothing more, nothing less. sf-cool


January 30, 2022
10:50 am
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October 21, 2013
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...and no joint accounts last time I looked.

Ontario may only be one province. However, its population exceeds that of 8 other provinces put together.

January 30, 2022
12:00 pm
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Doug said

Except it's not. To be the true leader of the HISA chart, it must be when sorted for residents of all provinces and territories. Otherwise, it's just a niche, two-bit single province credit union accessible only to residents of one province. Nothing more, nothing less. sf-cool


It is leader when the offer is in Canadian currency, local or national not as critical to me. In that regard, I am sympathy to residents in Quebec for the fewer selections available to them. By the same token, I am envy when there is a better rate in the West. Surely it is a good thing to see local barriers removed.

… anyhow the leader spot is already elsewhere as I understand it today

September 8, 2022
3:47 pm
Forum Posts: 1209
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September 30, 2017
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HISA now 3.30% (was 3.15%)

October 14, 2022
2:40 pm
Forum Posts: 1209
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September 30, 2017
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HISA now 3.50% (was 3.30%)

October 15, 2022
8:17 am
Forum Posts: 188
Member Since:
October 22, 2015
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Good luck getting your money in there. LOL You can get 3.4% at Oaken with no hassles.
Here's my experience with SAVEN.

Saven is an absolute DISASTER. I was originally able to link 2 accounts. I made transfers from both. Only one banks transfer ever made it through. I have been trying to link a third bank for the past 2 months. It gives me a window that says it is linked, shows the accounts from that bank, but when I try to transfer funds, the entire link disappears. I called customer service, who directed the issue to IT. Customer service called me back and said IT informed them, if I saw the link, it was linked. Customer service could see it clearly was not, so had me screen shot as IT did not believe them. The "success you are linked" notice appears (which it does every time I try to link it) but then it disappears. I got the screen shot and sent it to customer service. After a week or so customer service called and said IT reckons that my middle name is in the other banks records and that is why it won't link. I was advised to have that removed. I had to snail mail a letter of direction to the other bank, then follow up with several phone calls before the middle name was removed. And guess what, it still wouldn't work. Back to customer service. Back to IT. This has now been going on for 6 weeks. After my latest call, I was told by customer service that IT left a note in my file that it can't be linked. No explanation. Customer service rep says I can write a cheque from that bank to get money in on the mobile app. I go to the mobile app, and it says I am not authorized to do so. Another call to customer service. She finally gets the account set up to receive cheques. In the meantime Oaken just raised their HISA to 3.4%. Problem solved. All my money will be going there. There is something dangerously wrong with a bank that you can't get your money into. Imagine trying to get it out? Not going to take that chance, will be closing my Saven account and getting my $25 bucks back. I think I just dodged not a bullet, but a cannon.

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