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TD Direct Investing 2023-2024 Winter Offer
December 3, 2023
9:15 pm
Forum Posts: 9308
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October 21, 2013
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Small minimum balance may mean this is meant to attract people making a new or first TFSA contribution in the new year. They will then be prompted to invest more and longer later.

March 27, 2024
12:45 pm
Forum Posts: 8
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April 15, 2023
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kesa said

I took this, and the new one, and the similar BMOIL bribes, minimum amounts give best returns, opened min accounts for kids as well, free money! 10%+ returns!  

Missed last yr's promo, but just bit at this one - set up a new cash account to be funded by end of wk, as well as put things in motion for the extra $50 PAD bonus.
I had some accounts at TD anyway and the new one will also help align holdings more similarly to how I keep my records.

So far I've not gotten consistent info on what happens for declines in market value or withdrawals of any of the money 07/02/24 - 08/31/24, but worse case I'll leave it in something like TDB2913 until Sept.

Could've waited a bit, but terms & conds say the offer can be withdrawn at any time and the opportunity cost to start funding it now vs. April was insignificant.

April 12, 2024
10:54 am
Forum Posts: 235
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January 10, 2017
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RM485 said
So far I've not gotten consistent info on what happens for declines in market value or withdrawals of any of the money 07/02/24 - 08/31/24, but worse case I'll leave it in something like TDB2913 until Sept.

I believe it is based on your "Contribution". If the stock you buy declines, it does not matter regarding the bonus - you still get it. After your contribution, do whatever you want in the account, but do not withdraw any funds, with the exception of paid out stock dividends, and you should be fine for the bonus.

April 12, 2024
11:05 am
Forum Posts: 2948
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March 30, 2017
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Lodown said

I believe it is based on your "Contribution". If the stock you buy declines, it does not matter regarding the bonus - you still get it. After your contribution, do whatever you want in the account, but do not withdraw any funds, with the exception of paid out stock dividends, and you should be fine for the bonus.  

Thats exactly it. And to be on the safe side, dont withdraw any interest or dividend etc made. They can count it as withdrawal against ur original deposit. Not worth the hassle to argue if that drops u from receiving the bonus. They made it clear M2M fluctuation is not part of the equation, but a grey area about withdrawal of income made during the mandatory holding period.

April 22, 2024
1:13 pm
Forum Posts: 8
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April 15, 2023
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Lodown said

I believe it is based on your "Contribution". If the stock you buy declines, it does not matter regarding the bonus - you still get it. After your contribution, do whatever you want in the account, but do not withdraw any funds, with the exception of paid out stock dividends, and you should be fine for the bonus.  

savemoresaveoften said

Thats exactly it. And to be on the safe side, dont withdraw any interest or dividend etc made. They can count it as withdrawal against ur original deposit. Not worth the hassle to argue if that drops u from receiving the bonus. They made it clear M2M fluctuation is not part of the equation, but a grey area about withdrawal of income made during the mandatory holding period.  

Thank you for your replies!

April 23, 2024
6:10 pm
Forum Posts: 6922
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April 6, 2013
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savemoresaveoften said

… They made it clear M2M fluctuation is not part of the equation, but a grey area about withdrawal of income made during the mandatory holding period.

TD Direct Investing will subtract any withdrawals unless more assets are transferred in after April 30:

3. Maintain the Qualifying Assets in the New Account(s) until June 30, 2024:

a. If a client withdraws, deregisters, or transfers assets from their New Account(s) at any time before June 30, 2024 following the transfer(s) of the Qualifying Assets (the "Qualification Period"), such amounts will be subtracted from the value of their Qualifying Assets. If such withdrawals, de-registrations, or transfers during the Qualification Period reduce the amount of the client's Qualifying Assets below $5,000, no Initial Transfer Award will be granted. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if assets are transferred into the account after April 30, 2024 and do not form part of the Qualifying Assets, the value of those assets may be withdrawn without affecting the valuation of the Qualifying Assets.

April 24, 2024
7:19 am
Forum Posts: 1209
Member Since:
September 30, 2017
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

hwyc said
I did the Easy Trade offer in 2023. Here's looking at TDDI offer for 2024

TD Direct Investing 2023-2024 Winter Offer: promo code INVESTNOW or INVESTIRMAINT

The $300 cash award draws my attention! In essence, open a new account, maintain $5,000 from Apr 30 to Jun 30, 2024 ... new or existing TDDI client.

IMO, a risk-free 6% ROI in 2 months sf-smile  

I finally reached the $5,000 mark this week ... now do nothing & reap the reward in August sf-smile

July 5, 2024
8:55 am
Forum Posts: 216
Member Since:
February 14, 2023
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

hwyc said
I did the Easy Trade offer in 2023. Here's looking at TDDI offer for 2024

TD Direct Investing 2023-2024 Winter Offer: promo code INVESTNOW or INVESTIRMAINT

The $300 cash award draws my attention! In essence, open a new account, maintain $5,000 from Apr 30 to Jun 30, 2024 ... new or existing TDDI client.

IMO, a risk-free 6% ROI in 2 months sf-smile  

anyone get the bonus payout yet?

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