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Brokerage investment savings accounts
July 28, 2023
7:29 pm
Forum Posts: 6922
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Since last update, Home Trust increased its rate:

ISA (Canadian Dollars) Rate
BMO High Interest Savings Account (BMT104) 4.85%
Scotiabank Investment Savings Account, Series A (DYN6000) 4.75%
Manulife Bank Investment Savings Account (MIP510) 4.65%
B2B Bank HIIA, Series A (BTB100) 4.55%
Home Trust High Interest Savings Account, Class A (HOM100)
NBI Altamira CashPerformer Account, Series A (NBC100)
RBC Investment Savings Account, Series A (RBF2010)
Renaissance High Interest Savings Account, Series A (ATL5000)
TD Investment Savings Account, Series A (TDB8150)
Equitable High Interest Savings Account, Series A (EQB1000) 4.45%
July 29, 2023
8:20 am
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442sp_Permalink sp_Print

Could someone confirm if NBC200 (F-Series) can be purchased on NBDB?

Also, is there a list somewhere of online brokerages that allow you to purchase any F-Series Investment Savings Account?

July 29, 2023
12:02 pm
BC Interior
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443sp_Permalink sp_Print

There has been a number of discussions in threads here about availability, or not, of F series ISAs at various discount brokerages.

I believe QTrade is one that has a number of F series ISAs available for sale with no buy/sell commissions (I believe), and I can vouch for Scotia iTrade having Scotia's Advisor Deposit Services F series available to its own customers with no buy/sell commissions.

July 29, 2023
12:49 pm
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444sp_Permalink sp_Print

HISA at Qtrade currently available has reports of series F versions of brokerage ISA's available at Qtrade commission-free.

July 29, 2023
1:54 pm
Rail Baron
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I can confirm that Qtrade offers commission-free ISAs at the Series F interest rates. I have been squirrelling away USD in both RBC and Scotia ISA's, currently paying 4.9% on USD.

July 29, 2023
4:31 pm
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446sp_Permalink sp_Print

Rail Baron said
I can confirm that Qtrade offers commission-free ISAs at the Series F interest rates. I have been squirrelling away USD in both RBC and Scotia ISA's, currently paying 4.9% on USD.  

I was wondering, does the CDIC coverage carry over if you buy F-Series through a discount brokerage like Qtrade? I assume it does, as it's still a deposit being held by an eligible member, but I can't help being a bit skeptical.

July 29, 2023
7:45 pm
Rail Baron
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PassiveandWary said

I was wondering, does the CDIC coverage carry over if you buy F-Series through a discount brokerage like Qtrade? I assume it does, as it's still a deposit being held by an eligible member, but I can't help being a bit skeptical.  

The answer is yes on CDIC coverage. I triangulated this by getting answers from the bank, the brokerage, and the CDIC info line. All said yes, up to 100k.

July 29, 2023
8:58 pm
BC Interior
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100k CAD equivalent. So about $75k USD these days.

August 2, 2023
1:54 pm
Rail Baron
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449sp_Permalink sp_Print

RBF 2014 and 2015 (USD) ISA rates went up again today - to 4.9% and 5.15%, respectively, for Series A and F.

August 2, 2023
4:34 pm
Forum Posts: 222
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tdb8152 showing 4.90% tonight

August 2, 2023
5:18 pm
BC Interior
Forum Posts: 3034
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Playing catch up to F series DYN6005 @ 5.15% that was announced Tuesday morning... and RB2015 as well.

August 3, 2023
6:52 am
Forum Posts: 174
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452sp_Permalink sp_Print

I have a small amount of cash (less than $1,000) in my TD Webbroker Self Directed account & it gets next to no interest. Is there a MM Fund that allows for smaller purchases? The TDB1850 requires a minimum $1,000 per purchase. Thanks

August 3, 2023
7:51 am
Forum Posts: 3972
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September 11, 2013
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Do you mean TDB8150, the ISA (not MMF)? Minimum $1000 initial, $100 after that.

August 3, 2023
8:15 am
BC Interior
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dommm said
I have a small amount of cash (less than $1,000) in my TD Webbroker Self Directed account & it gets next to no interest. Is there a MM Fund that allows for smaller purchases? The TDB1850 requires a minimum $1,000 per purchase. Thanks  

It may be difficult to find anything with under $1000 minimum. Maybe a few possibilities at $500 minimum. There is administrative overhead for issuers to open nominee/broker accounts that makes it unproductive to deal with small deposits in either iSA or MMF form.

August 3, 2023
9:02 am
Valhalla Mountains, British Columbia
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mustang said

tdb8152 (USD) showing 4.90% tonight  



sf-cool " Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! " sf-cool

August 3, 2023
9:32 am
Forum Posts: 174
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Bill said
Do you mean TDB8150, the ISA (not MMF)? Minimum $1000 initial, $100 after that.  

Yes sorry I did mean TBD8150

August 3, 2023
7:05 pm
Forum Posts: 6922
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April 6, 2013
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457sp_Permalink sp_Print

Since last update, Equitable Bank increased its rate:

ISA (Canadian Dollars) Rate
BMO High Interest Savings Account (BMT104) 4.85%
Scotiabank Investment Savings Account, Series A (DYN6000) 4.75%
Equitable High Interest Savings Account, Series A (EQB1000) 4.65%
Manulife Bank Investment Savings Account (MIP510)
B2B Bank HIIA, Series A (BTB100) 4.55%
Home Trust High Interest Savings Account, Class A (HOM100)
NBI Altamira CashPerformer Account, Series A (NBC100)
RBC Investment Savings Account, Series A (RBF2010)
Renaissance High Interest Savings Account, Series A (ATL5000)
TD Investment Savings Account, Series A (TDB8150)
August 3, 2023
9:55 pm
Greedy Guy
Forum Posts: 122
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May 26, 2022
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BMO HISA BMT124/BMT129/BMT134 (USD) is now 5.0%

August 10, 2023
7:43 pm
Forum Posts: 6922
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459sp_Permalink sp_Print

Since last update, Home Trust increased its rate to 4.65%:

ISA (Canadian Dollars) Rate
BMO High Interest Savings Account (BMT104) 4.85%
Scotiabank Investment Savings Account, Series A (DYN6000) 4.75%
Equitable High Interest Savings Account, Series A (EQB1000) 4.65%
Home Trust High Interest Savings Account, Class A (HOM100)
Manulife Bank Investment Savings Account (MIP510)
B2B Bank HIIA, Series A (BTB100) 4.55%
NBI Altamira CashPerformer Account, Series A (NBC100)
RBC Investment Savings Account, Series A (RBF2010)
Renaissance High Interest Savings Account, Series A (ATL5000)
TD Investment Savings Account, Series A (TDB8150)
August 13, 2023
9:47 am
Valhalla Mountains, British Columbia
Forum Posts: 1996
Member Since:
January 12, 2019
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Oops ... Time for more coffee sf-smile


sf-cool " Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! " sf-cool

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