1:44 pm
June 20, 2023

Received notice of the following promotion by email but it is listed on the main page so is open to everyone:
Earn a boosted rate of 6.00%* on qualifying deposits† in your HISA
when you do both:Between March 13, 2024 and June 30, 2024, make deposit(s) to your new or existing HISA.
During the mentioned promotion period, keep your daily Total Deposits balance higher than it was the day before the promotion started. We call this balance difference New Deposits.
They give examples to make sense of the above.
2:05 pm
March 30, 2017

2:12 pm
October 27, 2013

2:18 pm
December 27, 2020

Google search result:
Coast Capital is the largest credit union in Canada by membership, the first from B.C. to be approved to operate as a federal credit union, and only the second in Canada. “This is an important milestone in our ongoing work towards expanding nationally,” said Calvin MacInnis, President and CEO, Coast Capital Savings.Oct 30, 2018
2:20 pm
June 20, 2023

From their account opening page:
Apply online in as little as 5 minutes.
You need to:Live in Canada except for Quebec
Be the age of majority in your province
Have your Social Insurance Number(SIN) handy
We need it for income tax reporting, but rest assured your credit score will be unaffected.
There is also a savings account promotion for new members:
Get $100 with a new High-Interest Savings Account1
To qualify for this offer:
Become a member and deposit at least $5,000 into your new High-Interest Savings Account within 60 days of account opening.Then maintain the $5,000 deposit balance daily for 90 consecutive days or more.
8:06 pm
August 16, 2022

8:15 pm
April 14, 2021

Moneyman2 said
BC residents only. I was ready to sign up
Why do you say BC residents only?
I read through #005
What am I missing? It says Live in Canada (except Que).
4:32 am
March 30, 2017

It got me excited too as I am in ON. However going to their website, there is a regional selection at the top right corner. If you pick ON, it will give u a generic page saying it’s available in BC only. If you change it to BC, you will see the 6% promo and all their services etc etc.
Looks like while they are now CDIC registered, they still have not rolled out for rest of Canada (except Quebec).
To be honest, I was not able to confirm easily whether it’s BC only or not and hence my question initially. Until someone says so on here, that’s when I get a closer look on their web page again and then notice it’s still for BC only.
6:11 am
March 30, 2017

9:54 am
November 18, 2017

1:07 pm
March 30, 2017

savemoresaveoften said
Apparently we (Ontarians) are ready but they are not. They certainly should make it clear that it's still BC only. That little line nor the tiny region selection at top right is not obvious to most.
Ok I actually called them and this is the story. Ontarians can open an account and participate in the rates promotion etc, the web page really meant "they dont have any physical branches outside of BC". Am i the only one who did not get what they meant...
Anyway, since digital banking is available, so not really an issue, EXCEPT while one can linked any external FI, its really for depositing money, NOT available for withdrawal AT ALL !. Withdrawal can be done via $3000 ETF daily limit, which is tiny and includes a $1.50 fee, or go to a branch and request (which is not feabsible when no branch avail). One can also fill in a wire transfer form but then of course it has to be done EACH time.
At the end of the day, its way too much hassle for me to care.
PS Oh one can also open a no fee chequing account and write a cheque to oneself for withdrawl, but min order is 50 cheques for $57... One wont bother even tho $100k at 6% for a few months will be the best rate avail for the time being.
1:32 pm
November 20, 2022

savemoresaveoften said
Apparently we (Ontarians) are ready but they are not. They certainly should make it clear that it's still BC only. That little line nor the tiny region selection at top right is not obvious to most.
1. Click the top middle dropdown box
2. Select Savings Accounts
3. Click LEARN MORE alongside the promotion banner
4. You should now arrive at this page: https://www.coastcapitalsavings.com/campaigns/savings-accounts with the region as ON unchanged
This is the link to the T&Cs for this promotion in which there is no word mentioning it is province specific: https://www.coastcapitalsavings.com/media/ytpfr0ci/hisa-campaign-terms-and-conditions.pdf
3:15 pm
March 30, 2017

mustang said
Does Coast Capital not have a deposit mobile app? i.e. to fund the account that way?
Also, is it understood that me to me can be used t deposit funds-- but funds cannot be pulled out from external bank me to me?
That’s what I was told over the phone when I asked. I can deposit but can’t withdraw using me2me. For that reason I don’t care how much they are paying me in promo interest.
Others pls correct me if I am wrong regarding the me2me.
3:16 pm
November 20, 2022

mustang said
Does Coast Capital not have a deposit mobile app? i.e. to fund the account that way?
Also, is it understood that me to me can be used t deposit funds-- but funds cannot be pulled out from external bank me to me?
There is and it is called Deposit On-the-go. If it is not activated for you automatically, you will have to call them to enable it.
You can pull funds from CCS at an external bank but you cannot push to an external account from CCS side.
5:18 pm
January 7, 2020

BTC said
There is and it is called Deposit On-the-go. If it is not activated for you automatically, you will have to call them to enable it.
You can pull funds from CCS at an external bank but you cannot push to an external account from CCS side.
That's great info-- thanks btc
So, fund the account via Deposit on-the-go, and get the funds out via a pull from external bank
Looks like that should work just fine
7:37 pm
November 20, 2022

mustang said
get the funds out via a pull from external bank
If you do not want the funds to be held up to 5-7 business days at the external bank, you can also do one of the followings:
1. Bill pay to a credit card that allows you to self-serve transfer out the overpayment without any penalty.
2. Bill pay to a personal line of credit account.
3. Bill pay to PC Money Account or Manulife Advantage Account.
4. Bill pay to a brokerage account.
The limit for bill payment seems to be 200k (not verified).
Please write your comments in the forum.