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Is Air Miles about to fade away - Too complicated - Difficulties with communication???
July 14, 2016
7:21 am
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July 14, 2016
1:39 pm
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I sympathize, but, on the other hand, these people were all told ages ago that there was going to be this deadline. I got rid of all my 'old' Airmiles a year and a half ago, and even then I was slow about it.

Just last night I figured out how to get rid of my remaining "Dream" miles, although they won't expire this year. I figured out a way to do it which will leave me with only 8 miles left over, which I will never use.

I doubt that AM is going to hire a lot of extra people to deal with the deluge, since they gave so much notice. On the other hand, they would have been better never to have introduced expiry dates. Then none of us would have these problems and they would not be getting the negative publicity.

The switch to "Dream" vs "Cash" has been very badly handled. It's true there is very little to choose form in terms of redeeming "Dream" miles. And that is the fault of Air Miles, especially considering all the extra fees they charge for flight redemptions, making them a non-starter for lots of us.

Air Miles was leading the popularity polls before they introduced the Dream/Cash split and reduced the Dream rewards substantially. I'm sure they wouldn't do nearly as well if a poll were conducted today.
If they're not careful, this could indeed be the end of them.

July 14, 2016
3:11 pm
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I understand the liability issue they have and the reason points programs put expiry dates on and why they refresh the program.

But when I think back to saving for years and years taking every opportunity I could to earn Air Miles and double dips when ever possible. And when we retired we used them for a trip to the UK. My wife handled it all as I was still suffering from depression (but no longer) and couldn't be bothered with handling the transaction. And when I look back at the fact we "paid" to top up our Air Miles...the amount we paid was more than what you can get that trip for today for cash points. R I P P E D O F F by Air Miles!!!

But who looks online for their status that may show the expiry dates. We only go online to buy. Then they only confused more by adding Dream Miles. But when they email all there sponsored stuff, specials and the likes they could have included your balance and and expiry dates. And who is really going to remember what they said to you 2 years ago.....they will....but only a few of us!!!!

No doubt they are hoping the Air Miles expire so it totally reduces their outstanding liabilities. Perhaps a profit for them. But how many folks will leave? We have!! The only place that asks if we have a card is Rona and Thrifty Foods.

I am the age of what is the point to join this type of program? Earning points? if I join something I want cash off upfront right away or I am not going to bother.

So I will join a program for instant discounts such as:
Car Rentals premium check in and discounts
Any cash back credit card
Van Heusen for cash off coupons
Olive Garden for cash off coupons

Will I apply for a house backed credit card like Costco or Walmart......N o o o o o o!!!

July 14, 2016
7:52 pm
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You're right, kanaka. They could be a lot more proactive about keeping people informed about expiries etc. - especially considering the endless emails they send. I think I must get one every couple of days, mostly about things that I'm not interested in or that require several minutes of internet navigation to pin down.

I find their website increasingly cluttered. It's often difficult to find what you're looking for.

And, so, I am just going to collect whatever is offered to me and get my money back asap from cashing in $10 at a time on the "Cash" system.

Honestly, I can't imagine why anyone, at this point in time, would bother to try to collect large amounts of Dream Miles. If it's a flight you want, there are much better systems for collecting points for that purpose.
The folks with the big expense accounts probably don't bother with AirMiles so much as they can do better elsewhere. If it's another particular reward you want, it will no longer be available by the time you have collected the points.

It was good while it lasted. I did get several North American flights out of it; $700 cash from BMO offer; quite a few gift cards from ViaRail, grocery store and hotels. In fact, I still have some of them, and they don't expire, but I should probably use them up anyway.

But from now on it will just be $10 off gas and groceries where applicable, and asap. Who knows? AM might not be around if I save them up anyway!

I may still get the Costco MC though. I would only use it for restaurants, where the cashback is 3%. (I probably eat in too many restaurants!sf-embarassed)

July 26, 2016
6:49 pm
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IAM not frustrated.....are you?

AIR MILESĀ® Program Update

There are longer than acceptable wait times to speak to an AIR MILES Customer Care Specialist
Your frustration is our frustration. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you are experiencing. Higher than expected call volumes are causing the delays in answering your calls. We have all available representatives on the phones to take your calls. You can expect improved service as more representatives are brought on board.

Everything you need to know about the AIR MILES Reward Program is on
There have been intermittent website availability issues due to high activity. Providing website stability is one of our top priorities so you, our Collectors, can take advantage of everything our website has to offer.

Use Miles
Miles need to be used within 5 years from when you got them. You currently have no Miles that are affected by our policy. Information can be found at

There are more ways to use Miles than ever before
We have added more reward options with new Airline Partners such as Porter and Delta, new Travel Partners such as Marriott, and opportunities to participate in Dream Sweepstakes and Member Pricing.

July 26, 2016
10:24 pm
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No, not frustrated any more.sf-wink
That's because I started plotting to get rid of them two years ago and don't have an emergency now.

This sentence, however, is very misleading: "Everything you need to know about the AIR MILES Reward Program is on"

I can't recall the last time it was easy to get through to them on the phone. I think it was about 20 years ago...

July 28, 2016
9:40 am
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It gets shadier and shadier..........will they go for bust?????

See here

July 28, 2016
10:19 am
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kanaka said

It gets shadier and shadier..........will they go for bust?????

See here

AIR MILES is only showing certain Dream rewards to people who don't have enough miles to get them but not showing them to those who do have enough miles! sf-surprised That's pretty sleazy!

Personalization is showing certain rewards first. Not showing items or denying items to those who do have the miles to redeem for them is something else.

I think someone should submit a complaint to the Competition Bureau.

July 29, 2016
12:39 pm
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Another article...

According to this article in two years I will be disconnected....that's great...I won't have to call them or mail the cards back! Not to mention I have no idea where they are located. Probably Quebec.

For a loyalty program...really loyalty and the payback for being be lead on and then can't get the reward. Rewards seem to change as many times a new brides drawers go up and down.

Looks like a money maker with some real inventive to deceptive programs within the operation. No showing!!! Any one that allows to buy miles at 30 cents and put them on sale for 20 cents and you are lucky to cash in a mile for 10 cents......are you kidding Airmiles?

I wonder how much they make off or rip off the retailers.

Next time I go to Rona or the likes when they ask if I have AirlMiles I think I will ask for the non Airmiles price. Or not shop there as I am paying an inflated price for Airmiles as it is pointless to collect them.

Ps. Re my Quebec comment. I am not being derogatory to folks who live, work, or play in Quebec nor in regards to any company that operates In Quebec. Although I think we all know if there is a shady operation or offer that should not be legal in Canada it seems the only place it does happen is in Quebec and in the USA in Florida.

July 29, 2016
1:00 pm
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AM may or may not be registered in QC, but QC has some of the toughest consumer protection laws in the country.

EDIT: The article says they are based in Toronto and are owned by a company based in Texas - a state formerly run by the Bush family. Remember Dubya? He was in the Oval Office when poorly regulated Wall Street came crashing down in 2008.

July 29, 2016
1:16 pm
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December 23, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline the Texas company owned by Trump..... ;) ;) :)

July 29, 2016
1:25 pm
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kanaka said the Texas company owned by Trump..... ;) ;) :)

I dunno, but I'm sure hoping he doesn't manage his "loyalty group" very well over the next few months!

July 29, 2016
2:11 pm
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Lol....the comments I could make about his "loyal" supporters..... :)

July 29, 2016
6:22 pm
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December 12, 2015
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I have a LOT of miles, 17000, and spouse has 20,000.
When we logged on we could not see ANY catalogue rewards.
For sure this needs to be a class action suit.

July 29, 2016
6:30 pm
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Saver-Mom said

I have a LOT of miles, 17000, and spouse has 20,000.
When we logged on we could not see ANY catalogue rewards.
For sure this needs to be a class action suit.

Let us know how you do. We used up our exactly 850 that we had left.....ordered online a few months ago...before the rush.

Personally I would like to see them go bust because of the way they do business and setting up a second program.....but only after they resolve their issues. The demand they are having for "about to expire" miles could kill them financially and no doubt, as deceptive as they are, they are hoping some expire with no recourse to the collector.

July 30, 2016
1:40 pm
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They may have to extend the deadline, as aeroplan also had to change their expiration policy. They probably know this, but will wait until the Fall. to decide if they have to.
Right now, it looks pretty much like the Home Shopping Channel, only worse. They expect you to PAY for almost everything, in Cdn$.sf-surprised

It will take continuous pressure from media and individuals.

(There are still Dream Rewards available on my profile, but, then, I only have 8 Dream Miles left - and no intention of using them.)

July 30, 2016
3:10 pm
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Loonie said

They may have to extend the deadline, as aeroplan also had to change their expiration policy. They probably know this, but will wait until the Fall. to decide if they have to

It will take continuous pressure from media and individuals.

(There are still Dream Rewards available on my profile, but, then, I only have 8 Dream Miles left - and no intention of using them.)

For what little it may mean....I lost all my Aeroplan points and my membership slowly faded away. If I logon I am non existent as is my wife's account. They lost me as a frequent flyer years ago when I used to fly out of Calgary (the home of WestJest) and waited and waited so many times for late flights to arrive so I could fly out. Along with their lies as to why planes were late or sitting in the dock area but could not fly!!! I spent more time in the airport waiting than what the actual flight took!!! Crappy service, high prices, and not convenient!! :) Might as well use a discount carrier and get crappy + service and save some $ !!! :) While I have not flown on WestJet for years they always accommodated our family, were on time, always made an attempt to fly in bad weather (with in reason) and were far more competitive but I understand the latter is no longer.

Now...for those 8 Dream Miles.....what can we do?? :)

July 30, 2016
3:27 pm
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I move that we rename the "Dream Miles" as "Nightmare Miles".
All in favour?

August 4, 2016
7:02 pm
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September 17, 2014
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The problem with this loyalty program scheme is the loyalty only goes one way

The only way we gained real points was a nice Bonus with our BMO mortgage and using the BMO and AMEX Air Miles Credit cards

But why collect points worth about 10 - 15 cents now that get devalued when you can get real cash back and use it or save it (and get a little interest) ?

Using Air Miles for travel is not as good a deal as advertised when adding up the extra charges and taxes

Used my points up a long time ago on car washes and night out at the movies before they stopped offering those.

Finally got my wife to call and wait on hold for almost 2 hours (while watching a few shows among other tasks) to speak with a very pleasant agent and finally use up her miles on a nice winter vacation.

Years ago when they cut the value of points, we missed the deadline for booking before the value plunged. After that I switched to cash back cards only. Adding the bonus that when I book with my cash back the card it includes trip cancellation and loss of baggage insurance, so no paying the ridiculously high travel insurance rates they charge, which again essentially decreases the value of points.

We had dreams when we started collecting Air Miles back in the early days of the program, sadly the time it took to save points and then having their value reduced along with other program changes those dreams turned dark and nightmarish

Air Miles has been a zombie for us for years, now only collecting points occasionally

Zombie NightmAir Miles is fading away

August 4, 2016
7:20 pm
Forum Posts: 1232
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December 23, 2011
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As of 4-5 months ago we used up all of our miles and no longer collect. Only if I could find their address to mail the cards back to them. :)

The next step is to ask your much does Rona and the likes pay Airmiles for miles they give to the customer and what mark up is on the goods they sell, to give us the miles? Should we ask for the non Airmiles price or shop elsewhere?

And yes we too, have converted almost all our cards to cash back.

Ps. The games they are playing were shown today on BCTV Global News. Can't believe they program their website based on the miles you have. Good stuff shows if you are out of reach and disappear when you have enough miles. That is damn right dishonest.

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