Wyth - One Year GIC at 3% | Wyth Financial (formerly Concentra Bank) | Discussion forum

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Wyth - One Year GIC at 3%
April 21, 2022
11:46 pm
British Columbia, Canada
Forum Posts: 195
Member Since:
July 9, 2020
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

GIC chart should be updated accordingly. See: https://wyth.ca/gic-savings-calculator

April 22, 2022
5:32 am
Forum Posts: 1209
Member Since:
September 30, 2017
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Please give the admin some credit. While HISA charts are updated manually, GIC charts are automatically refreshed daily at noon. Wyth must have posted after yesterday's refresh.

Hope that helps.

April 30, 2022
3:57 pm
British Columbia, Canada
Forum Posts: 4257
Member Since:
December 12, 2009
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Also, something to keep in mind, at some point this year, Wyth Financial will be absorbed into EQ Bank. Whether the Wyth Financial online banking platform or the EQ Bank online banking platform survives the integration, I'm not certain (I'm hoping for Wyth's platform!), but one thing is certain is that the Wyth brand will be demised and in the next 12-24 months after closing, the Concentra Bank and Concentra Trust legal entities will be amalgamated into Equitable Bank and Equitable Trust, respectively.

Look also for Neo Financial to seek a new "dancing partner" leading up to the Wyth/EQ integration, and then aggressively market to existing Neo Financial clients to transfer their Concentra Bank funds over accounts freshly opened opened for them by Neo on their behalf with said new "dancing partner." I'd expect likely we'll see Neo pair up with Peoples Trust/Peoples Bank, but Home Bank/Home Trust might also be a possibility. sf-cool


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