Tax-free savings account treatment at the provincial level? | Tax Free Savings Accounts | Discussion forum

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Tax-free savings account treatment at the provincial level?
November 6, 2008
10:56 am
Forum Posts: 1418
Member Since:
May 15, 2007
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Federal governments will not tax earnings within the upcoming tax-free savings accounts? What about provincial governments? I've read that Quebec and Ontario will comply and make those accounts "tax-free" at the provincial level. However, does anybody know about BC and other provinces?

November 6, 2008
1:14 pm

I'm really suprised to learn that Quebec will comply.

Usually, with their different tax laws from other provinces, they are the first ones to tax the most their citizens and investors.

Unfortunately, I do not know about the rest or Canada provinces.

November 6, 2008
1:51 pm
Forum Posts: 1418
Member Since:
May 15, 2007
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Here's a nice article from The Gazette.

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