Targeted offer - 5.25% on new money from Jun7 until Oct 31, 2023 | Tangerine Bank | Discussion forum

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Targeted offer - 5.25% on new money from Jun7 until Oct 31, 2023
June 8, 2023
8:21 am
Forum Posts: 1209
Member Since:
September 30, 2017
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

June offer is out. Good luck to all!

Targeted offer - 5.25% on new money from Jun 7 until Oct 31, 2023.
Activation required by June 30

June 8, 2023
8:44 am
Forum Posts: 216
Member Since:
February 14, 2023
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I’m a yield chaser and dislike the games.

June 8, 2023
9:46 am
The Rock
Forum Posts: 109
Member Since:
December 22, 2022
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

hwyc said
June offer is out. Good luck to all!

Targeted offer - 5.25% on new money from Jun 7 until Oct 31, 2023.
Activation required by June 30  

New money doesn't cut it. If I were to pull all my money out for one day, activate the offer, and then bring it back, would it be considered 'new" money? sf-confused

June 8, 2023
9:59 am
Forum Posts: 1210
Member Since:
April 14, 2021
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

You need to check the exact terms. They should list a date for the calculation of 'new money'. In my experience, once an offer is out, the date is already set and you are usually too late to pull such a manoeuvre. I suspect the date is June 7 and any 'new money' must be greater than the balance at that date.

June 12, 2023
4:15 pm
Johnny CASH
Forum Posts: 9
Member Since:
July 12, 2018
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

So tired of these promo games. Just moved everything to Wealthsimple Cash account where I can get 4.5% everyday as long as my portfolio across Wealthsimple accounts exceeds $500K. And then the money is already there ready to buy any securities I might want. They also offer $300K CDIC insurance on their cash account.

Referral link removed, per the forum rules

June 12, 2023
6:21 pm
Forum Posts: 6922
Member Since:
April 6, 2013
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Don't need to have $500,000+ in one place to get a short term 4½%.

RBC Royal Bank's one-year prime-linked Cashable GIC is currently paying Prime minus 2.45% = 4½%. Minimum $5,000.

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