12:49 pm
May 27, 2016

Pulling my hair out today because I made payments to 3 different CC accounts out of my Tangerine chequing account before 10am on Nov 26. As of 3pm today, only one of the three has arrived. One of these missing payments is due by tomorrow, Nov 29.
This is the first time I've used Tangerine to pay bills. I usually send them out of CIBC and the payments always arrive no later than the next business day. Since with Tangerine we're really talking about BNS, I had no reason to think things wouldn't get processed just as fast as my CIBC payments. Out of habit I kept screenshots of my confirms showing time and date, and all 3 payments were debited against my Tangerine chequing account.
With no evidence of progress by this afternoon, I thought I'd better call into Tangerine to speak to someone in case there's some kind of problem, but I was continually cycled into endless loops within their phonebot system that won't let you talk to a human. Hitting 0 doesn't work. Calling back in a 2nd, 3rd or 4th time just puts you back in the same annoying loops. Finally I decided to try their online chat function instead. I eventually got a rep online, so I typed in my missing payment inquiry and this is what they told me, and I'm quoting here -- "for bill payments it can take 2-5 business days."
Seriously? 2-5 days to pay bills? That's their service standard? I could probably even mail my payments inside that time frame.
I told the rep to formally report to whoever keeps a record of such things that I found their response wholly unsatisfactory and their payment service inadequate, and that I would never use it again. It's back to HISA promos only for them
7:15 pm
December 26, 2018

8:09 pm
April 6, 2013

Tangerine is Tangerine Bank and is not Bank of Nova Scotia. The relationship is not the same as the one with Simplii Financial and CIBC where Simplii is just a department within CIBC.
Also, according to the latest Payments Canada Rule D4, Tangerine Bank (institution 614) is still not a direct clearer and continues to clear through Royal Bank of Canada (institution 003), as it did from its days as ING Bank of Canada.
9:00 pm
October 27, 2013

I know this isn't helpful for this situation but why don't you have pre-authorized debit on all your payments, i.e. a pull rather than a push via Bill Payment? I have not used Bill Payment for years, i.e. on any of my recurring bills. Most of the debits take a day or two to show up AFTER the pull has already been credited to my account.
I am even on pre-authorized debit with CRA for my quarterly installment payments.
3:20 am
May 27, 2016

Norman1 said
Tangerine is Tangerine Bank and is not Bank of Nova Scotia. The relationship is not the same as the one with Simplii Financial and CIBC where Simplii is just a department within CIBC.Also, according to the latest Payments Canada Rule D4, Tangerine Bank (institution 614) is still not a direct clearer and continues to clear through Royal Bank of Canada (institution 003), as it did from its days as ING Bank of Canada.
That's good to know -- my perception was that they were in the bigs now but apparently not
4:20 am
May 27, 2016

AltaRed said
I know this isn't helpful for this situation but why don't you have pre-authorized debit on all your payments, i.e. a pull rather than a push via Bill Payment? I have not used Bill Payment for years, i.e. on any of my recurring bills. Most of the debits take a day or two to show up AFTER the pull has already been credited to my account.I am even on pre-authorized debit with CRA for my quarterly installment payments.
I appreciate what you're saying, but I don't like using standing PADs for bill payments because, among other reasons, that would require me to commit to and continually fund a particular hub from which the standing debits are drawn. That's not flexible enough for my purposes.
I also fundamentally dislike giving anyone auto-debit authority on my accounts for any reason. If a dispute ever arises over something, I don't want what little leverage I might have in the dispute (i.e. withholding payment) to be undermined by some standing auto-debit that's already given a third party the right to raid my bank account and take the money anyway.
My distaste for auto-debit goes back to my younger starving underpaid office worker days when the cable company would "accidentally" overbill me, or take 2 months in advance without any warning (that's a big middle finger from me to the old Metro Cablesystems in Toronto, and yes, I still vividly remember). Gas company overcharges. Hydro overcharges. Like many other people I've experienced the gym membership debit that wouldn't die, and also an insurance company that wouldn't stop collecting premiums even after I had long cancelled the policy. Still to this day my solution for avoiding repetition of these types of headaches is to never again allow auto-debit in the first place
4:50 am
November 8, 2018

10:07 am
October 27, 2013

London guy, when it comes to most recurring bills such as utilities, credit cards, etc., the obligation is to pay on time and dispute certain charges after the fact. Every reputable vendor has a process for that. It is an old wives tale to believe you have leverage before payment.
My bro still believes in that too. I think it is more of a psychological belief of being in control.
Yes, I do understand the gym membership saga but those are not reputable vendors. Consumer laws have also changed for the better too.
Regardless, I do understand the preference by some to engage in a lot of work to pay bills via Bill Payment. When I used to do it that way, I did it like Alexandre. Pay it as soon as it comes in. Problem solved.
Added: Since some will say one is giving up interest paying bills too early, let's assume on average bills are paid 2 weeks early. Assume that is for $5000 per month and interest is 2%. That is 2wks by 12 months by $5000 by 2%.... for a grand total of less than $50 per year interest before tax. Is it worth several hours of your time every year for $50BT?
11:30 am
September 24, 2018

If you let the originator of the bill get the money, there is no loss of interest (actually you gain a few extra days because the payment is often delayed).....
Even more... Pay your utilities /property taxes via Canadian Tire (I just autopay a set amount every month)... You get the Canadian Tire "Cash" for it (which is way more than the interest in your bank account)... and then I let Canadian Tire pull it out of high-interest savings account (currently EQ) on the day its due.... Pretty simple....
12:23 pm
May 27, 2016

AltaRed said
London guy, when it comes to most recurring bills such as utilities, credit cards, etc., the obligation is to pay on time and dispute certain charges after the fact. Every reputable vendor has a process for that. It is an old wives tale to believe you have leverage before payment.My bro still believes in that too. I think it is more of a psychological belief of being in control.
Yes, I do understand the gym membership saga but those are not reputable vendors. Consumer laws have also changed for the better too.
Regardless, I do understand the preference by some to engage in a lot of work to pay bills via Bill Payment. When I used to do it that way, I did it like Alexandre. Pay it as soon as it comes in. Problem solved.
Added: Since some will say one is giving up interest paying bills too early, let's assume on average bills are paid 2 weeks early. Assume that is for $5000 per month and interest is 2%. That is 2wks by 12 months by $5000 by 2%.... for a grand total of less than $50 per year interest before tax. Is it worth several hours of your time every year for $50BT?
Red, I appreciate the feedback and I don't want to belabor the point, but it's also the inflexibility I dislike. Since I have a lot of different bank accounts and suffer from irregular cash flow (self-employed) and also can't always direct $ to wherever I want without incurring some kind of delay, sometimes it's just easier and faster to pay certain bills from where cash happens to be at the moment, rather than be obliged to constantly fund a central account where those standing debits have been registered.
Beside, this topic wasn't created to debate the pros & cons of using auto-debits anyway. It was intended to highlight to the unwary (of which I was one) that Tangerine takes too long to reliably process bill payments, or at least too long compared to what I'm used to and expect.
6:32 pm
October 27, 2013

Londonguy said
Beside, this topic wasn't created to debate the pros & cons of using auto-debits anyway. It was intended to highlight to the unwary (of which I was one) that Tangerine takes too long to reliably process bill payments, or at least too long compared to what I'm used to and expect.
Fair enough. My intention was to propose a way to get rid of the stress managing Bill Payment schedule and timing but digressed significantly. My apologies.
7:06 pm
January 7, 2016

Tangerine is slow not just paying bills. Transfers are slow too.
I have pushed out significant Us funds from Tangerine to TD on Wednesday morning.
The money disappeared from my account on Thursday and are in the "black banking hole" now which is Friday evening.
I bet it will arrive at TD Bank on Monday which will be six day later.
I have pushed out funds from Duca to TD Bank in the morning many times.
It was in TD Bank in the evening some day every time.
Tangerine is slow not just with payments...
7:36 pm
July 10, 2011

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