5:15 pm
February 17, 2013

Peter said
That is sneaky. I've updated the promo page to split the up to 1.80% rate from the shorter period 0.85% rate.Reminds me of a 2006 promo Scotiabank ran that said "Fly Free* ...Really!" that did not really let you fly free.
Since the basic rates of the big 6 don't really qualify for inclusion in a "High Interest Savings" forum, don't see why their promos should be included here either. This promo is a perfect example of why I don't come here to find out what the big 6 are up to. Tang's grandfathered fro ING, but their games put them on the cusp as well. Promos should be available to all, not just clients selected by some mystery algorithm. Would not go to Kidd's lengths to give someone my money for safekeeping. Not the type of relationship I want to have with my banks. To each his own.
5:25 pm
October 21, 2016

Kidd said
So... if i understand you correctly. You were in a 2.5% term until May 31st 2018. then, Tangerine called you and they offered to bump up your rate to 2.75% until the end of 2018, starting immediately?
Like most in here I've been moving money around. I was previously at Simplii until a few days before Simplii's 3% expired. Then moved to Tang at 2.5% until May 31. Then got a call from Tang.
It will take a day or two for the system to be updated and then my rate will be bumped from 2.5% to 2.75% and it will apply to all the money currently in my saving account (doesn't apply to any other accounts I have) and this rate is good up to $500,000.
Oh, and it is good for 9 months, so I'm good until January 10, 2019 😉 Of course, if rates go up and Tang is not competitive anymore, I'll move the money elsewhere. But I don't care about a quarter point.
2:44 pm
October 11, 2015

I think that the Scotiabank promotion is on "new funds" only.
Honestly, I'm starting to go crazy managing all of these accounts. I forgot that my Tanga 2.5 was expiring March 15th. I called a few days ago and they renewed my 2.5% for 6 months. So, I had low interest for a couple of weeks.
EQ has raised their rate.
But, as others have mentioned, for a small difference, it doesn't pay as you might loose a number of days getting the money from one bank to another.
2:55 pm
February 24, 2015

6:06 pm
February 24, 2015

2:22 pm
February 20, 2013

JustMe2016 said
I got a phone call from Tang and was offered 2.75% for the next 9 months. It is a smart move as I was going to open an account at Meridian (3% - 4 months) and move all the money over there in May . But now I'll stay with Tang as I don't care about missing a few hundreds dollars over 4 months. Prior to this offer I was earning 2.5% until May 31.
The exact same thing just happened to me today. As others have mention this offer is only available through a phone call from Tangerine. I already deal with Meridian so I'm not eligible for their 3% offer.
9:47 am
July 28, 2016

12:15 pm
September 22, 2017

Contact the obusman. I did. I asked contact why I didn't qualify, and was told marketing makes the decision. I was refused contact with marketing to explain the algorithm, so I said in my opinion I'm being discriminated against.
Was than offered the 2.75 for 270 days.
Don't let these banks get away with answer less reasoning.
They pull this again on me, I'll go above the bank and apply discrimination at the governing body level.
Because it is exactly that
... Discrimination
12:42 pm
July 28, 2016

9:38 am
February 17, 2013

I don't think I should have to fight with my bank to get the interest rates they are offering to others for myself. We are the customers here....they are supposed to work for our business not the other way around. Tang seems to have flipped that model on it's head since ING left. CSR's are a crap shoot...anything from "bend over backwards" for you to "Too bad, move it, we don't care". Have to check with them more than once as you may not get the same answer every time. Their base rates suck. Introduced a registered account transfer out fee without even grandfathering funds that were in GIC's prior to the policy change. Chat never seems to be working whenever I need it. Missed the last promo because they changed the dates for snapshot from previous promos. Reduced cashback rewards and increased ForEx fees after they had everybody signed up for their creditcard. Now I have to go to an ombudsman to get the rate they offered others using a mystery algorithm no one can figure out? Why do I need to put up with that kind of corporate BS? My relationship with Tang has been reduced to using their credit card and only for the 2% categories. If I'd have foreseen the current situation when I applied for it, I wouldn't have even bothered applying. Move it all to EQ. Problem solved.
11:59 am
December 7, 2011

Rick said
I don't think I should have to fight with my bank to get the interest rates they are offering to others for myself... ...My relationship with Tang has been reduced to using their credit card and only for the 2% categories. If I'd have foreseen the current situation when I applied for it, I wouldn't have even bothered applying...
Exactly, me too, I only use Tangerine MC for 2% categories.
I did not applied for their MC, it was pre-approved.
They did not offered to me 2.75% for 270 days.
I do not keep any money at Tangerine.
1:03 pm
January 9, 2011

I also am on the 2.5% May 31, and was wondering what I'd have to do then.
Just got the call, 2.75% for 270 days from revision of the offer from 2.5 to 2.75, which would happen in a few business days. Applies only to the one savings account where I'm the primary account holder, and also won't apply to any TFSA or RSP.
"Keep your stick on the ice. Remember, I'm pulling for you. We're all in this together." - Red Green
3:09 pm
May 28, 2013

I phoned Tang about ten days ago asking about the 2.75% rate (I am currently on the 2.5% promo to end of May, with about $100K in the account, and I was with ING for decades). At first the rep said he'd never heard of such a rate, but admitted to it after he (supposedly) went to speak with a manager. Anyway, no such offer for me. I asked the rep to let Marketing know I wanted the same offer, and asked to get a phone call from them, but after 10 days, nothing yet.
If after May 31 they do not give me a rate above 2.5%, I may just move the majority of the account to Ideal, where I get 2.5% to the end of 2018, and all such deposits are covered by Manitoba deposit insurance. Perhaps then Tang might sweeten the offer to get me to move such funds back again.
3:56 pm
January 9, 2011

JenE said
Dougjp, I don’t want to be intrusive, but would you say that you have substantial funds with Tang? I’ve only got about $3,000 there right now so I’m wondering if I have any hope at all of getting the “lucky” phone call. I can transfer money in, if it would help my case![]()
Yes I do, however I'm not sure what criteria works behind the scenes to determine who gets what? In fact I thought they would rather try to get new funds than just do a retention rate.
"Keep your stick on the ice. Remember, I'm pulling for you. We're all in this together." - Red Green
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