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Tang new promo 5.25% until Jul31 for new deposit
July 15, 2023
5:17 am
Forum Posts: 1505
Member Since:
February 7, 2019
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

This is a TNG offer. Like all previous offers ...

Those who have yet to receive the offer extension will voice their displeasure for not getting it, until they receive it.

Many of those who do receive the offer extension will then argue the terms are unclear or too restrictive.

My wife got the offer extension. Since it is an extension, the terms remain unchanged from the original offer but they are nonetheless repeated clearly in the email.

If neither she nor I had received the offer extension, our funds would have moved to greener pastures before the end of the month until the next TNG offer that meets our needs ...

July 15, 2023
9:11 am
Forum Posts: 49
Member Since:
December 23, 2018
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Original 5.25% for CAD & USD expire in July 31. No email receive but notification is posted from the 'Insights' this morning for the extension until Oct. 31. Apply to accounts automatically, no option to agree or not agree.

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