Tang mortgage compared to RBC? | Tangerine Bank | Discussion forum

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Tang mortgage compared to RBC?
June 28, 2022
11:39 am
Forum Posts: 166
Member Since:
February 14, 2014
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Any comments or opinions about Tangerine mortgages, compared to a bank such as RBC that might not be obvious just looking at what's on their website?

Their easy-to-do 120-day lock-in could be useful.

June 29, 2022
4:15 pm
Kingston, ON
Forum Posts: 41
Member Since:
March 8, 2022
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

RicksBank said
Any comments or opinions about Tangerine mortgages, compared to a bank such as RBC that might not be obvious just looking at what's on their website?

Their easy-to-do 120-day lock-in could be useful.  

As a general rule in my books, deal with a good Mortgage Broker and you will be better off. These "teaser" bank rates usually have small print... Small print matters, make sure you understand it. My 2 cents

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