1:07 pm
November 5, 2022

Dean said
Yup ⬆Scotiabank's stock (BNS) had been in the doldrums for quite some time. But I (and many others) held on, partially because we were Paid To (BNS Dividend
= ~6%).And finally with BNS's stock recent turnaround (⬆ ~20%, and still climbing), we're all Smilin' Now.
It's probably a good idea to hold all the CDN banks in ETF's, and other things, like one ETF which converts all of the bank Divs and capital gains into Divs.
So everytime the banks come out with sneaky tricks, at least you are getting some back in bank Divs.
So they give you a shave in bonus percentage, to boost the Div, and of course pay for the CEO's divorce and yacht too.
It's just the way the system is, might as well play inside the system as it's designed.
1:16 pm
November 5, 2022

2:19 pm
January 12, 2019

InterestThis said
It's probably a good idea to hold all the CDN banks in ETF's . . .
Not a bad idea ⬆, but . . .
- I already own stock in four of the five CDN Big Banks, so basically I'm running my own private CDN Banks ETF ... and the MER = 0.00%.

Ca-Ching ❗
- Dean
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
3:32 pm
December 7, 2023

Dean said
Not a bad idea ⬆, but . . .
I already own stock in four of the five CDN Big Banks, so basically I'm running my own private CDN Banks ETF ... and the MER = 0.00%.
Ca-Ching ❗
I think holding bank stocks is better, MER=0.00% and you choose which bank stocks you buy, not all of bank stocks in ETF. I will buy bank stocks when prices are good, now prices are so higher.
5:18 pm
November 5, 2022

That is a good point about the bank stocks. But if they are in a more broad ETF the MER can be .11 or .22.
But yes directly owning them there is no mer or fees so you are ahead in that, and for some probably get the lower tax on Divs.
But on the other hand having the broader ETF has benefits too.
But regardless holding the bank shares is a good way to make sure that you benefit a bit from how they operate.
Some of us are horrible bank customers, having not paid a fee in living memory.
6:57 am
December 7, 2023

cgouimet said
I agree. When this first came up in discussion, I figured the promotional interest kinda became part of the starting balance ...
I confirmed, you are right.
I received an offer on May 1, 2024 but the term and condition was: new deposits exceeded Dec 4, 2023. Tangerine calculated my balance in May 2024 was : new deposits from an external bank - total promotional interests for all months from Dec 5, 2023 to May 1, 2024.
Please write your comments in the forum.