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Investment Savings Account up
September 17, 2010
4:39 pm

Yeah, great advice there. It's always easier to follow the crowd than to actually think for oneself. You cram your $100,000 into the ING account and earn that 1.50% interest. Meanwhile, I'll invest my money in something that's actually increasing higher than the rate of inflation. You figure out what it is, since I don't dispense free advice.
You are indeed out of your mind, since you're one of the legions of people who follow newspaper and so-called "expert" advice and refuse to think for yourself. That's okay though. Feel the comfort of making these mistakes, secure in the knowledge that others are too.
Also, really great advice about investing in real estate when anyone with a whit of sense knows that the market is way over-valued and a major correction is coming. Oh, I know you didn't read that in the Star or hear it from real estate salespeople. Go and believe them and don't come crying on this board when your "investment" deflates.

I will apologize that I misquoted you. However, the phrase "who in their right mind" does convey a similar meaning and you completely miss the point of my reply.

My advice was not what to put your money in, my advice was that it would be better to contribute to this forum rather than put other people down.

I did not advocate investing in real estate, I was merely providing an example of why someone may be in the "right mind" to actually have $100,000 in a savings account. For all you know, whoever has $100,000 in a savings account could have far more invested in other things, so your unhelpful blanket statements critcising others when you don't understand their situations and the fact that you "don't dispense free advice." makes me question why you even post to this forum. Troll much?

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