Bills only paid during Bank hours
April 16, 2018
6:18 pm
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July 13, 2014
July 13, 2014

April 18, 2018
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April 19, 2018
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August 1, 2015

Money only moves on business days externally, and even then only a few times a day. It's batched (both bill payments and EFT). Institutions write an instruction about moving money from somewhere to somewhere else. It gets transferred. The other institution reads in the instructions and then reflects them on their side. This happens a few times a day and when it is all done depends on when your instruction is written in.
A financial institution may allow you to "pay" a bill on a weekend but nothing will actually happen until the next business day externally.
Payments Canada is looking to improve it to be faster but I don't believe that includes weekends, just faster (and eventually realtime) during business days.
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