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Simpli Financial does promo interest to everyone
March 31, 2019
6:27 pm
Forum Posts: 1
Member Since:
March 31, 2019
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I did not receive my promo interest for the interest promo that ended Feb 28th. I was told it would be paid on March 21. I called on March 25th and was told it would be there within 2 business days. I called again on March 24 th and was told it would be there at the end of the day. I was told the same thing on March 26th. Still waiting. Apparently there is some type of system problem preventing some people from getting the interest. They feel there is no reason to share this information.

April 1, 2019
4:43 am
Forum Posts: 229
Member Since:
August 10, 2018
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Reposted from another Simplii forum :

After not receiving the promo interest, I called them today (March 30). I had already called them several times in March. The agent looked into my account and "discovered" they owed me and my wife almost $500 promo interest which they had "conveniently" forgot to pay me. They would not have paid me had I not called them.

Be very careful of Simplii.

April 1, 2019
7:58 am
Forum Posts: 1505
Member Since:
February 7, 2019
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I haven't been a Simplii customer for long. I do have a few GIC's at good rates with them. I was also extended the 3.15% HISA Mar-Jun 2019 which I'm taking advantage of. But most of my savings are elsewhere as I find Simplii a pain to deal with.

April 1, 2019
8:05 pm
Forum Posts: 9308
Member Since:
October 21, 2013
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I've never dealt with Simplii as I've found many of their practices dubious in the past, but if I were in your shoes I'd be expecting a bonus.

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