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Scotia Itrade DYN6004
February 26, 2023
4:55 pm
BC Interior
Forum Posts: 3034
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October 27, 2013
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Okay. I was not aware one could find them in the Mutual Fund screener. It seems bizarre to me since they are not mutual funds, but hey, who am I to argue? Not that anyone should want to buy anything other than DYN6004 (CAD) or DYN6005 (USD) anyway.

August 21, 2023
2:21 pm
Forum Posts: 2
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August 21, 2023
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Good afternoon Everyone,

First time poster on the forum. I have both registered and non registered accounts with scotia. I went to my branch expressing an interest in moving some funds into DYN6004. This has been a fruitless challenge as no one seems to be able to clarify exactly what I need to do to accomplish this.

May I please as for guidance on how I would be able to achieve this please and thank you!

Best regards

August 21, 2023
2:34 pm
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September 11, 2013
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I believe it's not available at the bank, you'd have to open accounts at their discount broker entity, Scotia iTrade, where you can then get access to it.

August 21, 2023
8:10 pm
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March 17, 2018
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I think you can also buy DYN6004 at Disnat discount brokerage too.

You need to maintain minimum 15,000 at Disnat to avoid fees. Sorry @doug for calling them Disnat.

At Itrade to avoid fees you need :
A)25K in combined accounts if you have registered accounts besides TFSA or RESP,

B)15K if you have RESP and

C)10K if you only have cash accounts.

August 21, 2023
8:27 pm
Forum Posts: 6922
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April 6, 2013
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None of the funds with FundSERV code prefix DYN are available through the Scotiabank branch mutual fund dealer.

All 129 of the funds currently offered through the in-branch mutual fund dealer have the prefix BNS. None of the units offered are Series F units either.

As Bill wrote, one will need to either open an account with their discount brokerage Scotia iTRADE or see if one of their full-service ScotiaMcLeod brokers will take one on as a client.

August 22, 2023
1:45 pm
The Six
Forum Posts: 76
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I have the corporate version of the F series ISA, DYN6006. I assume you can acquire DYN6004 through the personal Itrade account. It's best to call Itrade to make sure.
Also, an advantage to having an Itrade account is access to their self purchasing GIC re-issue offerings section. Their list is competitive with other big banks and a good selection to boot.

Trader first, Saver second

August 22, 2023
5:38 pm
Forum Posts: 2
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August 21, 2023
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Thank you everyone for your suggestions. I was able to purchase this through itrade directly.

March 30, 2024
6:11 am
Forum Posts: 216
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February 14, 2023
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Could someone remind me when the DYNxxxx series interest actually gets paid at iTrade?

Thought typically it was the last Monday of the month?

March 30, 2024
6:15 am
Forum Posts: 3972
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It's a couple or so business days into the next month, I believe.

March 30, 2024
7:42 am
BC Interior
Forum Posts: 3034
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The payment date might be the last Monday of the month but I don't pay attention. I think I see it posted for the prior month within 1-2 business days of the following month. I suspect we will see it posted Mon-Tues (Apr 1-2) back dated, or this month, the payment date might actually be Apr 1st. It does not really matter.

March 30, 2024
8:11 am
Forum Posts: 6922
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The Scotiabank ISA's pay interest on the last Friday of the month. See previous discussion.

March 30, 2024
10:13 am
Forum Posts: 216
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February 14, 2023
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kesa said
Could someone remind me when the DYNxxxx series interest actually gets paid at iTrade?

Thought typically it was the last Monday of the month?  

It appears irregular and wondering what the cause is.

The screenshot shows Feb 26, Jan 29 (both last Mondays of month). December interest paid Jan 2.

Screenshot-2024-03-30-at-1.10.05 PM.png

March 30, 2024
11:31 am
Forum Posts: 216
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February 14, 2023
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and this how Qtrade handles it
Screenshot-2024-03-30-at-2.30.22 PM.png

March 30, 2024
11:43 am
BC Interior
Forum Posts: 3034
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October 27, 2013
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Does it really matter how it is posted? The amounts get posted when they get posted...and show up when they show up.

March 30, 2024
1:59 pm
Forum Posts: 216
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February 14, 2023
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last time I checked it was my money I am lending to the FI. if I have a question about when I get paid it’s valid. constructive responses are welcomed 🙂

March 30, 2024
2:50 pm
BC Interior
Forum Posts: 3034
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October 27, 2013
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kesa said
last time I checked it was my money I am lending to the FI. if I have a question about when I get paid it’s valid. constructive responses are welcomed 🙂  

Of course it is your money and you know you will get paid. I don't think it matters how Qtrade vs iTrade shows it on statements. As Norman1 already said, the transaction date is the last Friday of the month. It gets posted on settlement day, which is likely T+1 for re-investments/cash distributions as it is for buy/sells in ISAs/MMFs using the FundServ system.

March 30, 2024
5:19 pm
Forum Posts: 129
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August 30, 2023
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AltaRed said

Of course it is your money and you know you will get paid. I don't think it matters how Qtrade vs iTrade shows it on statements. As Norman1 already said, the transaction date is the last Friday of the month. It gets posted on settlement day, which is likely T+1 for re-investments/cash distributions as it is for buy/sells in ISAs/MMFs using the FundServ system.  

Do you know when the CIBC Renaissance HISA gets paid? I was eagerly waiting to see my deposits by 28th of this month as 29th was a holiday. It is not reflected in Questrade as of now. Anyone here knows when the CIBC Renaissance interest gets paid?

March 31, 2024
9:29 am
Forum Posts: 6922
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April 6, 2013
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According to their terms and conditions, Renaissance HISA's pay interest on the last business day of the month:

… The interest payable by the Bank [Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce] on the Product shall be calculated daily on the opening balance and paid monthly by way of reinvested distributions credited to the Product on the last business day of each month. A business day is any day that the Servicing Agent’s [CIBC Asset Management Inc.] head office is open for business. …

CIBC Asset Management isn't going to transmit the new "units" until at least the next day to the dealers. When the next day isn't a business day, the info may not be transmitted until the next business day.

Dealers aren't going to post until another day for transactions they don't originate. Many dealers don't post on non-business days either.

March 31, 2024
11:04 am
BC Interior
Forum Posts: 3034
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October 27, 2013
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On that basis, it is quite possible the interest won't actually show on account in Questrade until Apr 2nd (second business day).

I am not expecting DYN6004 and DYN6005 to show in my iTrade account until Tuesday. Given the conversation we have been having, I will make a note to check on Apr 2nd. Normally I do not check my accounts until the end of each week to make note of what activity has taken place that week.

March 31, 2024
5:35 pm
Forum Posts: 129
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August 30, 2023
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Norman1 said
CIBC Asset Management isn't going to transmit the new "units" until at least the next day to the dealers. When the next day isn't a business day, the info may not be transmitted until the next business day.

Dealers aren't going to post until another day for transactions they don't originate. Many dealers don't post on non-business days either.  

Thank you Norman1. So doing the calculation:
Last business day of CIBC 28March - It pays the interest to the account.
CIBC next business day 2April (I think all banks have 1April as a holiday) - it transmits to Questrade.
So might see in Questrade on 3April or 4April.

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