Peoples Trust 1yr GIC now 5.8% and 2yr @5.75% | Peoples Trust | Discussion forum

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Peoples Trust 1yr GIC now 5.8% and 2yr @5.75%
September 15, 2023
9:23 am
British Columbia
Forum Posts: 466
Member Since:
September 24, 2019
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I have had funds on hold with them since 7 Sept and was going to transfer out. Ridiculous hold too as the transfer was from People Bank!!
Now probably purchase a 1yr GIC with them instead.

September 15, 2023
9:26 am
British Columbia
Forum Posts: 466
Member Since:
September 24, 2019
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Alexandra said
I have had funds on hold with them since 7 Sept and was going to transfer out. Ridiculous hold too as the transfer was from People Bank!!
Now probably purchase a 1yr GIC with them instead.  

whoops, two year GIC @5.7% not 5.75%

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