HISA rate down to 1.2%? | Peoples Trust | Discussion forum

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HISA rate down to 1.2%?
March 8, 2021
2:15 pm
Forum Posts: 185
Member Since:
January 16, 2017
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Question for the site administrator : The HISA rate at Peoples Trust is at 1.2% according to Peoples Trust`s website. The HISA chart on this forum shows it at 1.3%. Did it change recently ?

Thanks !

March 8, 2021
4:03 pm
Valhalla Mountains, British Columbia
Forum Posts: 1996
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January 12, 2019
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AlainJF said

Question for the site administrator : The HISA rate at Peoples Trust is at 1.2% according to Peoples Trust`s website. The HISA chart on this forum shows it at 1.3%. Did it change recently ?

Thanks !  

It now reads 1.20% on the HISA Chart.

Peter to the rescue. sf-smile


sf-cool " Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! " sf-cool

March 8, 2021
8:53 pm
Forum Posts: 1418
Member Since:
May 15, 2007
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Thanks for the heads up! Yes, looks like it dropped today.

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