Outlook Financial rate increase September 11, 2017 | Outlook Financial | Discussion forum

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Outlook Financial rate increase September 11, 2017
September 11, 2017
3:13 pm
Forum Posts: 1418
Member Since:
May 15, 2007
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I just noticed that Outlook Financial's TFSA and regular savings account interest rates are now at 1.85% (from 1.70%). This is the same day that Implicity Financial made the same increase. It's been at 1.70% since July 2015, and before that, 1.85% since February 2015.

Its GIC rates are up too.

January 16, 2018
6:19 am
Forum Posts: 655
Member Since:
November 7, 2014
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Outlook GIC Rates Up:

Interest Paid Annually

1 year Cashable GIC2.40%
2 year Cashable GIC2.60%
3 year Cashable GIC2.75%
4 year Cashable GIC2.90%
5 year Cashable GIC3.10%

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