Unsolicited GIC Rate Notice Emails from Home Trust & Home Bank | Oaken Financial | Discussion forum

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Unsolicited GIC Rate Notice Emails from Home Trust & Home Bank
January 6, 2023
9:42 am
Valhalla Mountains, British Columbia
Forum Posts: 1996
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January 12, 2019
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Has anyone else been receiving emails recently, 'Directly' from HT & HB, advising of their latest GIC rates ?

So far I've received two, in the last two weeks. I didn't ask (sign-up) for them, and I have no relations or business with them, other than indirectly through Oaken.

So ... I'm guessing this is Oaken's doing. I wonder what they're up to now ?!

Go Figure sf-confused


sf-cool " Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! " sf-cool

January 6, 2023
10:09 am
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March 30, 2017
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All your dealings whether Home Trust or Home Bank is thru Oaken. Those are the issuer names under the Oaken umbrella.
So as long as you do have banking or investment relationship with Oaken, I dont think its an issue.

Having said that, I have GIC with both names and dont recall seeing any rate notice directly from Home Trust or Home Bank. My last rate notice was Dec21 from Oaken.

January 6, 2023
10:28 am
Valhalla Mountains, British Columbia
Forum Posts: 1996
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January 12, 2019
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The difference is, I'm now receiving emailed GIC Rate updates from
all Three (Oaken, HT & HB).

Maybe this just is another screw-up, in the ongoing Oaken 'Gong Show'.


sf-cool " Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! " sf-cool

January 6, 2023
12:15 pm
Forum Posts: 2948
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March 30, 2017
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Dean said
The difference is, I'm now receiving emailed GIC Rate updates from
all Three (Oaken, HT & HB).

Maybe this just is another screw-up, in the ongoing Oaken 'Gong Show'.



They desperately want ur business lol

January 6, 2023
12:48 pm
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February 7, 2019
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savemoresaveoften said
All your dealings whether Home Trust or Home Bank is thru Oaken. Those are the issuer names under the Oaken umbrella.
So as long as you do have banking or investment relationship with Oaken, I dont think its an issue.

Having said that, I have GIC with both names and dont recall seeing any rate notice directly from Home Trust or Home Bank. My last rate notice was Dec21 from Oaken.  

Same here

January 6, 2023
12:49 pm
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February 7, 2019
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Dean said
The difference is, I'm now receiving emailed GIC Rate updates from
all Three (Oaken, HT & HB).

Maybe this just is another screw-up, in the ongoing Oaken 'Gong Show'.



Just Oaken for me

January 7, 2023
7:34 pm
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November 8, 2021
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Dean said
Has anyone else been receiving emails recently, 'Directly' from HT & HB, advising of their latest GIC rates ?

Bear in mind, we often forget that part of "I Agree" when signing up with any company, that we often "agree" to share our info with their third-party “providers” or “affiliates”. That could explain your receiving those emails. I believe you have the option to unsubscribe from those emails.

January 8, 2023
9:46 am
Valhalla Mountains, British Columbia
Forum Posts: 1996
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January 12, 2019
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BlueSky said

Bear in mind, we often forget that part of "I Agree" when signing up with any company, that we often "agree" to share our info with their third-party “providers” or “affiliates”. That could explain your receiving those emails. I believe you have the option to unsubscribe from those emails.  

Good point BlueSky.
But when signing up, I always 'Uncheck' that box. And one has to wonder why I'm only one here who those emails are being sent to (as far as I can tell).

On the surface, those unsolicited emails from HT & HB, sent to me are
harmless ... but they are yet another indication of the 'Dogs Breakfast'
situation at Oaken. sf-confused

One has to wonder ... What'll they do (or not do) Next ❓❗


sf-cool " Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! " sf-cool

January 8, 2023
12:25 pm
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February 7, 2019
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Dean said
And one has to wonder why I'm only one here who those emails are being sent to (as far as I can tell).  

Perhaps revenge for telling us about the hacking of your Oaken account?


January 9, 2023
11:06 am
Valhalla Mountains, British Columbia
Forum Posts: 1996
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January 12, 2019
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Nice try Cgouimet ... LOL sf-laugh
But those unsolicited emails from HT & HB started Before the alleged hacking.

As for the possible hacking of my email address in my Oaken account, the jury is still out on that one. It's beginning to look like it may have been caused by Oaken internally (staff Blunder?). I expect to hear back from the Oaken IT Dept. again on this, sometime later this week.

Cheers 4 Now,


sf-cool " Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! " sf-cool

January 9, 2023
1:06 pm
Forum Posts: 1505
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February 7, 2019
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Dean said
Nice try Cgouimet ... LOL sf-laugh
But those unsolicited emails from HT & HB started Before the alleged hacking.

As for the possible hacking of my email address in my Oaken account, the jury is still out on that one. It's beginning to look like it may have been caused by Oaken internally (staff Blunder?). I expect to hear back from the Oaken IT Dept. again on this, sometime later this week.

Cheers 4 Now,



I was kidding ...

Do let us know what you learn...

January 9, 2023
1:59 pm
Valhalla Mountains, British Columbia
Forum Posts: 1996
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January 12, 2019
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cgouimet said

I was kidding ...

Do let us know what you learn...  

I know ... and Yes I will. sf-smile


sf-cool " Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! " sf-cool

January 12, 2023
9:54 am
Valhalla Mountains, British Columbia
Forum Posts: 1996
Member Since:
January 12, 2019
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FWIW . . .

After sending them two return emails in the last two weeks, I finally heard back from Home Trust. They 'claimed' they had no idea how they got my email address, apologized for the inconvenience, and deleted my email address from their records.

I was going to press them further on their claim ('they had no idea how ...'), but decided to save myself some time & grief, and didn't bother.

So ... no harm done, and all's well that ends well (I guess). But with the recent unauthorised switch-er-roo of my email address at Oaken, I'm obliged chase down any anomalies.

Better be 'Safe' than 'Sorry', eh! sf-wink


sf-cool " Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! " sf-cool

January 13, 2023
12:51 am
Forum Posts: 9308
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October 21, 2013
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So... since they have no idea how it happened and appear to have no particular intention of finding out, I guess we should assume it's OK by them if it happens again. Seems kind of... um... unprofessional?

Between this and the double debits, I wouldn't be in any hurry to do more business with them.

Lots more fish in the sea.

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