Oaken Rate Drop 2017 09 18 | Oaken Financial | Discussion forum

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Oaken Rate Drop 2017 09 18
September 11, 2017
10:20 am
Forum Posts: 989
Member Since:
December 20, 2016
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Email received today:

We wanted you to be the first to know that effective Monday, September 18, 2017, we will be returning our interest rates back to normal levels. Our GIC rates will still continue to be among the highest available. Our new rates are below. Our existing rates will apply to all investments received prior to close of business on Friday, September 15, 2017 for terms commencing prior to September 18, 2017.

Long-term GICs (registered and non-registered)
• 1 Year GIC – 1.90% (currently 2.50%)
• 18 Month GIC – 2.00% (currently 2.60%)
• 2 Year GIC – 2.25% (currently 2.70%)
• 3 Year GIC – 2.45% (currently 2.80%)
• 4 Year GIC – 2.50% (currently 2.90%)
• 5 Year GIC – 2.75% (currently 3.00%)

Short-term GICs
• 30-59 Days – 1.60% (currently 2.00%)
• 60-89 Days – 1.60% (currently 2.00%)
• 90-119 Days – 1.60% (currently 2.10%)
• 120-179 Days – 1.70% (currently 2.15%)
• 180-269 Days – 1.75% (currently 2.30%)
• 270-364 Days – 1.80% (currently 2.40%)

1 Year Cashable GICs
• After 30 Days – 1.50% (currently 1.75%)
• After 90 Days – 1.60% (currently 1.85%)

Oaken Savings Account
• 1.50% (currently 1.75%)

September 13, 2017
12:58 pm
Forum Posts: 315
Member Since:
January 3, 2009
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Thanks for posting this.

September 13, 2017
2:08 pm
Forum Posts: 416
Member Since:
May 24, 2016
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Thanks Stephen. I'm surprised that Oaken is lowering their savings rate by .25%. I guess they really don't need our money any longer. Perhaps EQ will follow suit.

Please write your comments in the forum.