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New Member Message
October 16, 2023
1:35 pm
Forum Posts: 2
Member Since:
October 16, 2023
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone contributing to make this a great repository for canadian high interest savings information. Was in the dark about the availability of these rates for a while but now i see the light sf-laugh

October 16, 2023
3:56 pm
Valhalla Mountains, British Columbia
Forum Posts: 1996
Member Since:
January 12, 2019
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Welcome to the Club, Boboyisha ... and welcome to 'The Light'

You weren't alone. The average Jack & Jill are in the Dark about these rates. I call them Big Bank Zombies. sf-wink

Cheerio for now,


sf-cool " Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! " sf-cool

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