90 Day Promo on 1st Savings Account, Non-Registered & Registered 2.25% - 2.35% | Page 3 | motusbank | Discussion forum

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90 Day Promo on 1st Savings Account, Non-Registered & Registered 2.25% - 2.35%
July 18, 2021
10:42 am
British Columbia, Canada
Forum Posts: 195
Member Since:
July 9, 2020
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

hwyc said
Wonder if they just stopped advertising the offer (which clearly said by end of July) or actually stopped the offer. It's two in a row now, disappointed sf-frown  

My speculation is that they had a target of a certain amount of new money coming in (given that this promo was for new accounts being opened). Perhaps when they reached that, they ended the promo early. While for this one they said July 31, the full fine print did say that they could end the promo at any time.

Am sorry you missed out on two of such. My best thought is to get in on them as early as you can after they are announced (as fits your timing for other things maturing, of course).

July 20, 2021
8:17 am
Forum Posts: 23
Member Since:
September 25, 2019
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Whoa. I actually delayed signing up, predicated on something else. And, then, I did sign up what I thought was a few days too early, given I changed my thought process to transfer over an external, maturing GIC's funds instead. I thought shoot, I shoulda waited a few more days, in that the account link finished a couple of days before external GIC matured.

I got in just under the wire, it appears. They've done this before?

Sorry some folks delay-missed.

September 23, 2021
9:11 am
British Columbia, Canada
Forum Posts: 195
Member Since:
July 9, 2020
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

If you got in on this, the promo rate is ending 90 days after you opened your account. For some of us, that means the promo rate has now ended.

September 23, 2021
9:20 am
Forum Posts: 1124
Member Since:
March 15, 2019
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

LK said
If you got in on this, the promo rate is ending 90 days after you opened your account. For some of us, that means the promo rate has now ended.  

Is this promo still available now for those of us who have not opened an account?

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