7:00 pm
April 12, 2016

This bank has been such a headache to deal with, I wish I'd never heard of them.
My own account opening process went smoothly enough, but for my husband it's been nothing but headache. This is only made worse by the fact that he works 60-80 hours a week out of town and doesn't have time to wait on hold, sometimes half an hour, to get anything done. And seriously guys, it's 2016. What kind of online bank is available Mon-Fri 9-5?? Ugh.
A week after they finally sent our debit cards, he had time to phone in to activate his online account. This was the 3rd time he'd called, because no one answered within 45 minutes the other two times. They put him on hold while they twiddled some keys. Then they told him his card was activated. But activating his chip card wasn't what we wanted, we wanted the online access code. So again he had to call. Finally got it 2 days later.
Today we got around to logging in. And to my shock, there's no account on his file, and where is the $50 we sent in and they cashed?? Nowhere to be seen. So now he has to call in once again to get it straightened out. Since I handle all the accounting for our family, he never really knows exactly what he's supposed to say and ask for, and he's in another province so I can't be there to guide him through it.
So enough of this garbage. He's going to call tomorrow, tell them to just close whatever accounts they have in his name, and transfer the $50 back to TD. I'll keep my money there for now, since the rate is good and I don't want to lose the TFSA contribution room. But there's a good chance I'm going to split too in December. This is just ridiculous.
6:46 am
February 17, 2013

Feel your pain. I have been with them for 2 1/2 years and up until the conversion to the new system, it has never been this bad. I had never had to wait on hold for more that a couple minutes prior to lately, and am hoping that once all the bugs in the new system are ironed out, it will go back to normal call volumes. Not that I needed to call at all once everything was up and running. If they don't fix that bug that sucks the overdraft out of my savings instead of the overdraft account, I will be finding another bank to have our paychecks deposited to.
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