3% interest on 90 day deposit | Meridian Credit Union | Discussion forum

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3% interest on 90 day deposit
May 24, 2016
8:14 pm
Forum Posts: 15
Member Since:
May 19, 2016
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Meridian seems to be offering this promotion at newly opened branches only. In Toronto, ads posted for this promo at Howard Park and Roncesvalles branch, College and Bathurst branch

May 25, 2016
6:21 am
Forum Posts: 24
Member Since:
December 13, 2015
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I called my local branch in London and was informed that this rate was not available in London. I find these select location rate promotions to be unfair to some degree or at the very least to be frustrating.

May 31, 2016
11:26 am
Forum Posts: 74
Member Since:
April 1, 2016
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I called the new Richmond Hill Branch and they confirmed they are offering a 90 day GIC at 3%.

EDIT: I was called back and apparently the Richmond Hill branch won't give me that rate. They apparently offered it to a "one-off" client only. I was told that 3% interest would have to pay it out of branch earning, they would lose money.

Ok, so I can confirmed other branch to offer this promotion is their Queen Street East branch in the Beach area. I have booked an appointment for this Friday afternoon. I was told that the promotion has been extended to August 2016 now. Apparently, it was about to end there soon. This is where I am transferring my money from Zag Bank after June 2.

July 1, 2016
8:57 am
Forum Posts: 252
Member Since:
June 15, 2016
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Keith1 said

I called my local branch in London and was informed that this rate was not available in London. I find these select location rate promotions to be unfair to some degree or at the very least to be frustrating.

I agree its unfair. They probably just want to attract new customers to their new branches to get things going, which I understand. The same way a retail store like Best Buy opens a new store, they have a Grand Opening sale just for that location to create a buzz and new traffic.

But what these banks should do is that if anyone is pro active and actually calls them asking about the specific promo rate for that location, they should give it to them, even if they are somewhere else.

Very few people do that, and monitor forums and actively look for better rates. So its not that the bank is going to get lot of customer's asking for rate matching. Its a win win for both the bank and the pro active savvy customer's..if they give this location specific rates to the savvy and pro active customers, so that they don't lose them and leave a bitter taste due to the partiality.

I mean how many of Tangerine customer's are calling in and trying to get their 2 % - 90 day deal ? Very few. Most are just happy with their paltry 0.8 %.

How many people call Bell, Rogers, Telus to get their retention and loyalty deals ? Just a fraction ! Most are just paying their exhorbitant rates !

If I was some CEO , I would say this rate is for this branch only, but someone from another area/branch has taken the time and effort and research to find this rate and calls in specifically asking for it, give it to him !

July 1, 2016
12:24 pm
Forum Posts: 74
Member Since:
April 1, 2016
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

rfdm4g4g9 said

Keith1 said

I called my local branch in London and was informed that this rate was not available in London. I find these select location rate promotions to be unfair to some degree or at the very least to be frustrating.

But what these banks should do is that if anyone is pro active and actually calls them asking about the specific promo rate for that location, they should give it to them, even if they are somewhere else.

I agree with you but if you look at my pervious comment, all the branches I called did not offer me the 3% rate. One manager went as far to say that they are losing money if they gave me that rate. I guess they didn't want my $100K

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