Tax slips from MAXA? | MAXA Financial | Discussion forum

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Tax slips from MAXA?
January 20, 2024
10:07 am
Rail Baron
Forum Posts: 291
Member Since:
November 3, 2022
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

In preparing to prepare my tax returns, I emailed MAXA to clarify whether to expect T5 slips electronically or by Canada Post.

I got a very prompt response, but the answer was confusing to me:

Good afternoon,

The T5 slips should be mailed directly to you from CRA. You may also view them on your CRA online account once they are available.

I don't recall such a process from past years. I've always received T slips from financial institutions directly - either on paper or electronically.

Anyone had MAXA T slips delivered through CRA, as described above?

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