1:08 pm
November 23, 2017

Tried the online application to open an account over a month ago. Failed the (difficult to answer from memory) Equifax test, so as instructed, requested from Equifax the free credit report, which would "arrive in 5-10 days". It finally shows up 30 days later.
Again tried the LBC application, but got the error message "Equifax could not verify my identity - you must correct this by contacting Equifax". Equifax confirmed all information on file was accurate so there was nothing they could do. Spoke to LBC again, and was finally able to determine the failed verification was due to the fraud alert I had deliberately placed on my Equifax account several years ago. Unless I removed that, I could not open an account at LBC. Several hours total time wasted on this.
No problems opening several other financial accounts recently. Have to wonder how many others are discouraged by this cumbersome Equifax business.
Decided to go with the lower paying, but super smooth and quick online application at Alterna.
10:23 am
December 29, 2018

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