10:58 am
April 11, 2020

11:28 am
April 6, 2013

Not sure what this tax voucher is. Foreign income received and foreign taxes withheld are in the T5 slip for the brokerage account. Box 15 (Foreign income) and Box 16 (Foreign tax paid).
Scotia iTRADE includes a detailed breakdown of the items included in the T5 slip.
Canadian brokers aren't required to issue the foreign tax slip, like the IRS Form 1042-S for dividends from US companies, for foreign income.
12:18 pm
April 11, 2020

A tax voucher is a document from your Canadian broker where you have the foreign shares. Suiss WHT on dividends is 35%, 15% foreign tax credit in Canada. To get the 20% WHT back you have to apply for in Switzerland by filling out a form and attaching a certificate of residancy and the tax voucher proofing that 35% WHT was withheld.
1:29 pm
April 27, 2017

It's a complex process. If you want to claim the excess tax from Switzerland then you may need to get the claim form from Swiss embassy or tax authorities and have it filled in and certified at your brokerage (if they agree). There could be fees and you might not be able to reclaim any tax in excess of 15%.
You probably need to talk to an accountant rather than a hisa forum.
1:40 pm
April 11, 2020

It's some work but straight forward, I did it a couple of times succesfully at IKBR. Cou could download the form form the Suiss tax authorites website. Than you have to apply for a certificate of residancy at the CRA (by email) and finally you need a so called tax voucher from your broker to proof the dividendpayment and the tax witheld. With IKBR it's easy to get the voucher. But with TB Waterhouse it is not. any idea or experience how to get the voucher at TD Waterhouse?
3:50 pm
April 27, 2017

“Tax Voucher” isn’t a thing in Canada. IKBR might have this but it does not mean that others do. Brokers issue forms which Canadian government requires them to issue. For dividends that’s T3. If T3 does not meet Swiss requirements then you need to provide TDDI with the form Swiss require and ask if they could fill it in and certify for you.
Please write your comments in the forum.