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Digital News Subscription Tax Credit
March 23, 2021
3:27 pm
Forum Posts: 719
Member Since:
March 17, 2018
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I saw Toronto Star and Globe and Mail on the list.
Gets added to Federal Line 31350

March 23, 2021
8:33 pm
Forum Posts: 9308
Member Since:
October 21, 2013
sp_UserOnlineSmall Online

We subscribe to print edition of Toronto Star, which includes Digital access. They still refuse to give us any documentation or verification that would be applicable for tax purposes.

March 24, 2021
7:54 pm
Forum Posts: 719
Member Since:
March 17, 2018
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Loonie said
We subscribe to print edition of Toronto Star, which includes Digital access. They still refuse to give us any documentation or verification that would be applicable for tax purposes.  

It's worth putting in the digital portion amount on your tax return, since Toronto Star definitely qualifies, worse case scenario government disallows it

March 24, 2021
9:01 pm
Forum Posts: 9308
Member Since:
October 21, 2013
sp_UserOnlineSmall Online

Actually, we use an accountant, so will let them decide how to deal with it. I imagine they have already faced this problem.

I just think it's poor form on the part of the Star. Other papers seem to have figured this out.

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