Rates decreasing March 10, 2020 | Implicity Financial | Discussion forum

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Rates decreasing March 10, 2020
March 9, 2020
2:50 pm
Forum Posts: 647
Member Since:
September 15, 2017
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Implicity Financial values your business and wanted to notify you that our rates will be changing effective March 10, 2020.

GIC/ RRSP/ RRIF/ TFSA Term Deposits
1 Year 2.20% (currently 2.45%)
2 Year 2.30% (currently 2.50%)
3 Year 2.30% (currently 2.55%)
4 Year 2.40% (currently 2.60%)
5 Year 2.50% (currently 2.75%)

High Interest Savings 2.10% (currently 2.30%)
TFSA Savings 2.10% (currently 2.30%)
RRSP Savings 2.10% (currently 2.30%)
RRIF Savings 2.10% (currently 2.30%)

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