Savings account rate rising to 1.40% (starting March 8, 2022) | Hubert Financial | Discussion forum

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Savings account rate rising to 1.40% (starting March 8, 2022)
March 7, 2022
8:10 pm
Forum Posts: 6922
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April 6, 2013
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Received an e-mail from Hubert.

One of the changes is that the savings account rate is rising from 1.25% to 1.40% tomorrow. sf-smile

March 7, 2022
8:31 pm
Forum Posts: 315
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October 15, 2015
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But the 1 year gic is also dropping to 1.8%.

March 7, 2022
8:51 pm
Forum Posts: 6922
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Unfortunately, the one-year term rate is the bad news, as frugal lady pointed out in GIC rate change … - 1 year decrease.

March 7, 2022
10:19 pm
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I think the one year tiered rate proved too popular and needed to be cooled. It's no longer competitive IMO.

March 8, 2022
3:05 am
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February 7, 2019
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Loonie said
I think the one year tiered rate proved too popular and needed to be cooled. It's no longer competitive IMO.  

Indeed. I was about to add another one of these but not anymore ...

Hubert appear to be lining up their rates closer to Accelerate's ...

March 8, 2022
3:56 am
Jim Sherat
Forum Posts: 157
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January 1, 2018
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Darn ! Same with me ... just did a Transfer-In from another FI yesterday, and was going to buy another 2.0% cashable 1yr GIC today. 🙁

Will most likely move those funds instead, over to EQ for one of their recent offerings of 3mth or 6mth 2%+ GICs.
A HISA rate of 1.40% is of little interest, so long as we can get over 2% for 3mths... that's not a very long time to have one's money locked in.

March 8, 2022
6:45 am
Jim Sherat
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addendum to earlier comment ...
No go for us re EQ GIC'S, as they still don't offer the option of making them Joint !!!
... unlike Hubert, and pretty much everyone else I've ever had an account with.
What is their problem ?

March 8, 2022
7:20 am
Forum Posts: 9308
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October 21, 2013
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For future reference, Jim, Hubert allows you to open a new GIC and fund it afterwards, so I think you could have opened it, secured the rate, completed the transfer, then put the money in the GIC.
You could try phoning and explain your situation and ask if they would honour the old rate. Nothing to lose.

March 8, 2022
7:26 am
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Unlike EQ Bank, Hubert will allow one to open a new term deposit and pull funds from a linked external account directly into the new term deposit.

March 8, 2022
7:34 am
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Jim Sherat said
addendum to earlier comment ...
No go for us re EQ GIC'S, as they still don't offer the option of making them Joint !!!
... unlike Hubert, and pretty much everyone else I've ever had an account with.
What is their problem ?

EQ Bank's joint account support is half baked.

Funds are joint in their joint savings account. But, funds become non-joint while in a GIC. Funds become joint again when GIC matures and the funds are returned to the joint account they were from.

Could have a problem if person dies while funds are non-joint in a GIC!

March 8, 2022
1:39 pm
Jim Sherat
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Loonie said
For future reference, Jim, Hubert allows you to open a new GIC and fund it afterwards, so I think you could have opened it, secured the rate, completed the transfer, then put the money in the GIC.
You could try phoning and explain your situation and ask if they would honour the old rate. Nothing to lose.  

Thanks Loonie, good to know, and Good suggestion about phoning; I just did and they agreed to back date the GIC purchase to yesterday ! Perhaps that was because the funds were there yesterday [7th] ? I didn't ask, and it's done.
So Thanks for that ... you made us a little extra interest. hope your commission rate isn't too high 😉
Very nice folks to deal with at Hubert btw.

March 8, 2022
1:46 pm
Jim Sherat
Forum Posts: 157
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Norman1 said

Jim Sherat said
addendum to earlier comment ...
No go for us re EQ GIC'S, as they still don't offer the option of making them Joint !!!
... unlike Hubert, and pretty much everyone else I've ever had an account with.
What is their problem ?

EQ Bank's joint account support is half baked.

Funds are joint in their joint savings account. But, funds become non-joint while in a GIC. Funds become joint again when GIC matures and the funds are returned to the joint account they were from.

Could have a problem if person dies while funds are non-joint in a GIC!  

Exactly, and that is why I will never buy a GIC at EQ, until such time as their 'Joint' ownership approach becomes Fully Baked. 😉
The exception being TFSAs where we both have GICs in place, since our 'successor holder' designations are on file.

March 12, 2022
10:11 am
British Columbia
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September 24, 2019
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I'll probably cash in all my 1yr paid quarterly GIC's with them when they come due in early May.... of course their 2nd quarter is a bit better......anyone else going to?

March 12, 2022
11:00 am
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April 14, 2021
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Yes, I bought a 1-yr for avg. 2% on Jan 1. It only earned 1.85% for the first three months and I can get the EQ at 2.1% for three months right away. Not logical to keep it at Hubert.

March 12, 2022
11:36 am
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Alexandra said
I'll probably cash in all my 1yr paid quarterly GIC's with them when they come due in early May.... of course their 2nd quarter is a bit better......anyone else going to?  

Check the math to see if it's worth the move. If you wait till that Hubert GIC collects its 1st quarter interest, cash in to move to EQ's 90 day GIC, you'll go from 1.95% to 2.05% for the next 90 days. So, assuming a $100k GIC ...

(2.05-1.95)/100/365*90*100000=$24.65 gain for that 90 Days ... Actually less than that since you will only earn 1.25% at EQ while the funds remain on hold for 5-7 days. So, you might gain $24 for that move assuming no interest loss while the funds are in "transit" ...

March 14, 2022
12:36 pm
Forum Posts: 258
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September 5, 2013
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I don’t think those use 1 year GIC at Hurbert will catch the best 5 year GIC rate via Hurbert this year! Just look at they do pricing at the beginning of year 2022 @3% for 5 yrs for only two weeks promotion. Now 5 years rate is the lowest in the market after the first rate hike. You can imagine what will their rate for 5 years GIC.

I have big TFSA gic 3.5% from Hubert matured in may, I just take the best rate at the market which 3.15% at EQ, just go online and open TFSA at EQ enter those detail from Hubert TFSA GIC, download the transfer form and signed it and upload it back. It just take me 15 min, and done. it’s worth the transfer.

My guess by the time they mail my cheque to EQ, I probably will get 3.5% in Jun after at another raise.

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