AccessCU mobile app 18.0.3, not. | Hubert Financial | Discussion forum

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AccessCU mobile app 18.0.3, not.
October 23, 2023
4:47 pm
Forum Posts: 650
Member Since:
August 4, 2010
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

The AccessCU website has a banner today saying "Members who may be experiencing issues with logging in may not be on the most current app version. The most current app versions are: iOS 18.0.3 | Android 18.0.3". At least on the Apple app store (via iPhone7, iOS 15.7.9), it is still at 18.0.2. Anyone seeing a newer version? Did they post the banner without confirming the app stores had the new version?

Also, I have 18.0.2 installed on my phone, but when I fire up, it shows a screen saying "New app update avail...The new IOS app version 18.0.2 is now available. Visit your app store to upgrade today".

If these were my junior programmers, I would chasten them at the next sprint meeting... 🙂

October 23, 2023
6:18 pm
Forum Posts: 1505
Member Since:
February 7, 2019
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NorthernRaven said
The AccessCU website has a banner today saying "Members who may be experiencing issues with logging in may not be on the most current app version. The most current app versions are: iOS 18.0.3 | Android 18.0.3". At least on the Apple app store (via iPhone7, iOS 15.7.9), it is still at 18.0.2. Anyone seeing a newer version? Did they post the banner without confirming the app stores had the new version?

Also, I have 18.0.2 installed on my phone, but when I fire up, it shows a screen saying "New app update avail...The new IOS app version 18.0.2 is now available. Visit your app store to upgrade today".

If these were my junior programmers, I would chasten them at the next sprint meeting... 🙂  

I just updated on android from 1802 to 1803...

October 24, 2023
2:27 pm
Forum Posts: 290
Member Since:
December 1, 2016
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

What I hate about Hubert's new app (Access CU) is that its not a native app, it simply loads their webpage from within the app, what is the point?

Has anyone logged in already? How is it?

October 24, 2023
2:49 pm
Forum Posts: 650
Member Since:
August 4, 2010
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

cgouimet said

I just updated on android from 1802 to 1803...  

The iOS 18.0.3 finally showed up as well today.

Please write your comments in the forum.