HSBC down to 2.00% (3.00% until March 16th on new deposits)
March 10, 2009
11:43 am
11:43 am
Ottawa (Gatineau, Qc Area)
Forum Posts: 310
Member Since:
December 12, 2008
December 12, 2008

March 11, 2009
8:26 pm
8:26 pm
Forum Posts: 103
Member Since:
February 3, 2009
February 3, 2009

jeremywong said:
Max said:
Going back with my gold old friend ICICI Bank at 2.50%...
Are you confident that ICICI won't drop rates to 2%? And if that happens, is ICICI still your "gold" old friend?
The only thing I'm confident of is that I will not get screwed when HSBC starts their new promo on extra bonus rates on NEW DESPOSITS till x day of x month.
My money will NOT be there and it will be NEW money to put back in my savings account, wherever it is coming from: ICICI or ING,
The day you become free is the day you work for fun.
Please write your comments in the forum.