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Scam Warning ??
November 6, 2024
2:23 pm
Forum Posts: 2
Member Since:
October 8, 2021
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Hey Everyone,

Long-term reader first time posting. Sorry if I posted this in the wrong place (newb poster!)

Long story short, 4 years ago I heavily researched the GIC industry, including all the software and various GIC brokers. I ran across a scam where the site claimed to compare GIC rates but once I received the paperwork it was clear that they had no affiliation with the mentioned Bank. Through my connections we were also able to directly confirm with the banks management that it was indeed a scam.

Today I'm seeing similar google ads for what looks to be the same scam. They mention 9% rates and CDIC.

Warning- Dont trust this site.

Anyone have more information on this? I'm going to start my own investigation. The advertisers is from another country and running two of these sites. I've reported it to Google but don't think they care. It's frightening that uninformed Canadians could potentially lose 50k ++.

November 6, 2024
3:06 pm
Forum Posts: 1292
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September 30, 2017
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November 6, 2024
4:18 pm
Valhalla Mountains, British Columbia
Forum Posts: 2190
Member Since:
January 12, 2019
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I've seen those same/similar bogus GIC ads on Facebook as well, offering up to 9% GICs.

I just shake my head and scroll by, but sadly some won't. And we all know what will happen to them. sf-confused

'SHAME' on both Google & Facebook ❗


sf-cool " Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! " sf-cool

November 6, 2024
4:24 pm
Forum Posts: 94
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January 25, 2024
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GuaranteediC said
Today I'm seeing similar google ads for what looks to be the same scam. They mention 9% rates and CDIC.

Do yourself a favour and install decent ad-blocker. You will STOP seeing any moronic ads and your life will be way nicer.
I do NOT see ANY EVER and I passionately HATE ads!
NOBODY can offer you amazing GIC rate unless it is Ponzi scheme. Or one day 2-3 huge guys with guns will ask you for your kidney or lung. Local anesthesia only...

The only reliable site for any GIC 'investigation' is THIS ONE. Or you can pick few banks and do your own research. But again, most comprehensive and reliable site for HISA/GIC is this one:

November 6, 2024
5:44 pm
Forum Posts: 1268
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April 14, 2021
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Dean said
I've seen those same/similar bogus GIC ads on Facebook as well, offering up to 9% GICs.

I wonder what happens if, some day, they get wise and only offer slightly higher current market rates, such as 4.5 or 5%. It might be much more difficult to identify such potentially legitimate offers as scams.

November 7, 2024
3:33 am
Forum Posts: 1207
Member Since:
November 18, 2017
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Twelve years ago, I attended a focus group (about Canadian pension funds) in which twelve of us were asked, among other things, where we got our news.

I was the ONLY one who didn't say "Facebook"! I was staggered.

When I got a chance to comment, I said I was blown away by that, and emphatically averred that "Everything on Facebook is bullsh1t!" I was met by the blank stares of eleven cows chewing their cud.

Four of them even added that they had been scammed or tricked by Facebook posts or ads. And back then there were far fewer ads.

Has nobody learned ANYTHING in all this time? Anyone still wanna buy Taylor Swift tickets 9% off?


November 7, 2024
4:57 am
Forum Posts: 17
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February 11, 2024
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Someone gets paid every time someone clicks that link. All the characters after /? is a referral code.

November 7, 2024
5:08 am
Forum Posts: 7307
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April 6, 2013
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HermanH said

I wonder what happens if, some day, they get wise and only offer slightly higher current market rates, such as 4.5 or 5%. It might be much more difficult to identify such potentially legitimate offers as scams.

The scams are not really that difficult to identify once one tries to verify who, what, and where the advertiser is. Bogus business names and suspicious addresses are red flags.

Nova Scotia Securities Commission article Fraudster Friday: Earl Jones mentions another three signs:

Can you spot the Red Flags of Investment Fraud in the Earl Jones story?

1. You were promised a high return for low risk.

2. Is there a credible source that can validate the investment?

3. Are they registered?

November 7, 2024
8:08 am
Valhalla Mountains, British Columbia
Forum Posts: 2190
Member Since:
January 12, 2019
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

RetirEd said

Twelve years ago, I attended a focus group (about Canadian pension funds) in which twelve of us were asked, among other things, where we got our news.

I was the ONLY one who didn't say "Facebook"! I was staggered.

When I got a chance to comment, I said I was blown away by that, and emphatically averred that "Everything on Facebook is bullsh1t!" I was met by the blank stares of eleven cows chewing their cud.

Four of them even added that they had been scammed or tricked by Facebook posts or ads. And back then there were far fewer ads.

Has nobody learned ANYTHING in all this time? Anyone still wanna buy Taylor Swift tickets 9% off?  

But as you say , all that happened Over a Decade ago ... it might as well have happened on a different planet. The world & Facebook/internet are completely Different places now.

As for that deal on Taylor Swift tickets, check with Loonie ... he just might
be interested sf-wink


Welcome to 'The Club', GuaranteediC ❗
From what we've seen so far, you'll
do Well here.

sf-cool " Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! " sf-cool

November 7, 2024
9:28 am
Forum Posts: 7307
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April 6, 2013
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hwyc said
Old trick reincarnated?

More previous incarnations:

National Bond Exchange reported here.
National Rate Service discussed in another thread.
8% GoC bonds from the so-called Canadian Bond Guide reported here.

November 10, 2024
2:44 pm
Forum Posts: 1207
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November 18, 2017
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Dean: Dean, that Taylor Swift line was a joke about things being too good to be true. sf-laugh

The internet and Facebook are MUCH, MUCH more dangerous and BS-filled places that they were a decade ago. But even then, people were ignoring actual journalism and buying into the slime pits.


November 13, 2024
10:01 am
Forum Posts: 78
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December 16, 2020
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

The internet and Facebook are MUCH, MUCH more dangerous and BS-filled places that they were a decade ago. But even then, people were ignoring actual journalism and buying into the slime pits.  

Very true! We now live in a world where pills for virility have become mainstream pharmaceuticals and bald faced lying day in and day out is considered acceptable, even something worth voting for.

The rocks have been flipped over and all sorts of creatures are climbing out.

November 14, 2024
9:25 am
Forum Posts: 1207
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November 18, 2017
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Well, to be fair, Viagra, Cialis and LeVitra really do work. But you can't legally buy the real stuff on the web without a doctor's prescription.


November 14, 2024
12:44 pm
Forum Posts: 78
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December 16, 2020
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Ya, sure they work, but that doesn't mean they are any good for you, and especially if you are over 70.

Snip from Harvard Health Publishing.
More and more, erectile dysfunction is being viewed as a systemic medical problem. In some studies, ED is like the canary in a coal mine for a future heart attack. That's because ED is often due to atherosclerosis—the same artery-clogging process that usually precedes heart attacks and strokes. So it should be approached more systematically than just starting with an ED drug.

Apologies for straying a bit off topic 🙂

November 14, 2024
3:50 pm
Valhalla Mountains, British Columbia
Forum Posts: 2190
Member Since:
January 12, 2019
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

RetirEd said

Dean: Dean, that Taylor Swift line was a joke about things being too good to be true. sf-laugh

The internet and Facebook are MUCH, MUCH more dangerous and BS-filled places that they were a decade ago. But even then, people were ignoring actual journalism and buying into the slime pits.  

My Taylor Swift line was a joke too ... maybe you missed my sf-wink. As for tickets to see her, tell Loonie some Nosebleed seats may still be available.

As for those people buying into the Slime Pits, those types of softheaded dimwits have always been around ... looking to be told what they want to hear. The big difference now is, there's more & bigger Slim Pits than ever before !

My two centavos,


sf-cool " Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! " sf-cool

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