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March 1, 2017
3:24 pm
Forum Posts: 15
Member Since:
May 19, 2016
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

The promo rate of 1 yr. @ 2.1% is currently listed on their website

March 1, 2017
3:36 pm
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Members (temp break)
Forum Posts: 1363
Member Since:
December 17, 2016
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

*** This offer available to ONTARIO residents only ***

Only because I'd never heard of this financial institution, I wanted to see what THEY offered for deposit insurance - and yet another variation. There are NO normals in this business

"The Deposit Insurance Corporation of Ontario (DICO) provides separate unlimited deposit insurance protection for deposits held in registered savings plans while non-registered deposits (savings accounts, term deposits, GICs ,chequing accounts, certified cheques, money orders, “bank” drafts and funds in transit) in the name of an individual member are covered up to a combined maximum of $100,000. Visit the DICO website for full details."

March 1, 2017
8:09 pm
Forum Posts: 9308
Member Since:
October 21, 2013
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Credit unions are provincially governed, and their insurance systems therefore vary according to province. Luminus is in Ontario, same as Meridian, and same insurance system as Meridian.

June 14, 2017
8:40 am
Forum Posts: 334
Member Since:
November 19, 2014
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Luminus has added to their 2.1% one year again with a new 2.25% 2 year option.

Guess they are feeling the increasing rates on offer in the market.

Still, not that enticing when you can get as good or better with a HISA.

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