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Best RSP out there?
January 5, 2013
11:40 am
Forum Posts: 210
Member Since:
November 26, 2008
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Since it's the time for RSP's, anyone managed yo find and lock something better than the 2.5% for 90 days by ING, 2.4% for 2-3 years by ICICI or 3.15% for 5 years by ICICI?

The day you become free is the day you work for fun.

January 5, 2013
6:15 pm
Forum Posts: 415
Member Since:
July 10, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I would probably just do the 90 day GIC from ING for 2.5% and transfer afterwards.. No fees..

January 10, 2013
6:54 am
Forum Posts: 210
Member Since:
November 26, 2008
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

well seems like it's gonna be it. I put everything at ING @ 2.5% and will see if I put some in the stock market or mutual funds in 3 months when we reach the bottom of the barrell of the economy, cannot go any downer after, could it?

The day you become free is the day you work for fun.

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