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Solar storms - our banking systems
December 30, 2011
4:55 am

I was actually sitting here in front of my computer this morning after reading an article on solar storms trying not to think of the possible forthcoming disasters to Earth and our civilization as we know it should the prediction of massive solar storms hit our planet. They have before apparently. It would be catastrophic to say the least should these solar storms shut down our power grids which we do take for granted. Chaos,utter chaos I figure would likely result. What would really happen when we realized that all the money saved in our banks was now gone? Yes, I know, an absolutely terrible thought as I myself have been a saver all of my life but would it even matter given the other problems we as a civilization would have to contend with? I just couldn't imagine the possible turmoil and havoc caused by these solar storms. Your thoughts concerning this possible scenario regarding our banking system. I know some are concerned with getting an extra quarter point here or there but what would you do seriously, if it all just one day disappeared? I know, frightful and depressing just thinking about it ... but what would you do? Food for thought!

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