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comparison: time delay deposits and transfers
July 10, 2008
10:05 pm

I have been researching many of the online banks talked about here and their services they offer. I am particularly interested in the time delay in transferring money between accounts within the same institution and between the brick and mortor banks and the online banks. Is there a time delay when soneone makes a deposit from brick and mortor bank and the online bank? Do these online bank, as a rule, link the brick and mortor bank accounts with the online accounts? Do the brick and mortor banks link accounts with the online accounts? Is there a fee for this? What kind of time delay is there when someone opens an account with the online banks? Most of the online banks claim they have few or no fees associated with their accounts. Is this true?

July 11, 2008
9:37 am

1. Transactions between online banks and "bricks and mortar" banks usually settle on the next day.

2. A link between your chequing account and your online bank account is set up by the online bank.

3. Opening an account with an online bank takes 1-3 weeks depending on the bank and your situation.

4. The well-known online banks don't charge fees for savings accounts and bank-to-bank transfers between savings accounts (e.g. ING, PCF, ICICI, HSBC, etc). Some charge transfer-out fees (account closing). Most charge for ATM card use. Chequing accounts usually come with fees, whether they be pay-per-use or flat-rate, although some don't (e.g. PCF).


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