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EQ New GIC Offering
February 1, 2022
10:12 am
Forum Posts: 1192
Member Since:
November 8, 2018
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Lamaison said
Interesting (and frustrating) that the cutoff for the 2.0% TFSA 3 month GIC was timed to be one day before the earliest GIC's from the previous 3 month 1.75% offering matured.  

I was disappointed, too, but now 2.0% 1 year GIC is available. I am in.

February 1, 2022
11:00 am
Forum Posts: 2948
Member Since:
March 30, 2017
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Alexandre said

Lamaison said
Interesting (and frustrating) that the cutoff for the 2.0% TFSA 3 month GIC was timed to be one day before the earliest GIC's from the previous 3 month 1.75% offering matured.  

I was disappointed, too, but now 2.0% 1 year GIC is available. I am in.  

To my eyes, 2.5% for 2 years is more pleasing 🙂

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