DUCA 4.75% | DUCA Credit Union | Discussion forum

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February 8, 2023
10:11 am
Forum Posts: 1124
Member Since:
March 15, 2019
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

DUCA offering 4.75%.

February 8, 2023
12:52 pm
Forum Posts: 48
Member Since:
December 27, 2021
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Yes, 4.75%, until April 30, 2023 for new deposits only.

"Our highly popular high interest savings offer is back to kick off 2023! Here's your opportunity to earn more and worry less about whether or not your money is working for you. Starting today, bring in your new deposits to the Earn More Savings Promotion account and earn 4.75% through April 30, 2023.

No minimum balance or minimum deposit
Unlimited deposits and withdrawals
No withdrawal restrictions
No monthly fees
Daily interest paid monthly
Eligible for non-registered accounts

Deposit funds must be new to DUCA.
This Promotion account is not available for the following: ATM Access, bill payments, telephone banking, cheque deposits through the mobile banking app, or any type of e-transfer, including Me-to-Me transfers.

At the end of the promotional period, all funds in the Member's Promotion account will automatically transfer into the non-promotional Earn More Savings Account.

Members will be able to view the Promotion account through online banking and on their Statements.

Rate subject to change or campaign end early without notice.

Interest earned will be taxable"

February 8, 2023
3:33 pm
Forum Posts: 9308
Member Since:
October 21, 2013
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Existing funds in Park account earning 3.25% will continue to do so but no new funds can be added to that account. Also, there can be no transfers from joint Park to single Park or vice versa. For new deposits they will open a new Park account at 4.75%

(info by phone)

February 8, 2023
3:47 pm
Forum Posts: 9
Member Since:
December 19, 2015
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Duca is behind the times. I transferred out a lot for higher interest opportunities elsewhere for a longer period of time (Tangerine - 5% till May 31st) with other promotions.

Please write your comments in the forum.